
Women: If by common consent men could wear skirts and dresses without being teased or ridiculed, would you...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike your guy to follow this new trend ?

(even if women would continue to wear pants as seen today?)




  1. No, I would find that a huge turn-off.

  2. very interesting.

    i wouldn't's irish, it's s**y.

    i think women wearing pants is not fair if guys can't wear dresses and skirts.

  3. Well, not all skirt-like things are only worn by females.  My mother is South Indian (Tamilian), and many of my male relatives wear lungis (which are basically long straight skirts) at home.  So I wouldn't really mind.  

    Also, the swastika was stolen and bastardized by the n***s, but it is actually an ancient religious motif in more than one culture, and it has good meanings in particular in the Hindu tradition.  Basically, anything you can think of as being wrong could be seen as quite right by someone of a different culture!

  4. Men have always worn robes and dresses, especially when they want to look powerful:

  5. I do !

  6. Interesting how men dont get to be feminine, but to be fair I would prefer my girl in skirt or dress than in  a racing suit police uniform, unless she plans to strip out of them of course :).

  7. Only if he shaves his legs first. ;-)

  8. wow, loved all the positive comments from the ladies. i love to wear skirts, they are sooo s**y. i think we should all wear them.

  9. If that happened, then men would start to wear pants in order to explore their feminine side....

  10. No! Unless its a Kilt,  Yummy!

  11. haha my husband probably wouldnt be to thrilled with this option or my response to it LOL but i would be ok with it.....i think skirts i could live with  the scottish do it and i can even see some goth/influence but dresses i just cant visualise it....but ya never know but if thats someones disire i say s***w what others think and go with it anyway you dont have to make anyone happy but yourself

  12. Sure. I wouldn't even object if a guy friend wanted to that now, in the present day.

  13. I think kilts and togas are quite s**y!

  14. i don't give 2 hoots what my partner wears, as long as he is the same awesome person i know. It's not about what people have on the outside, it's what's in the inside that counts.

  15. Honestly, dude, can't you get your kicks elsewhere? There must be Web sites for your fetish.

  16. ummmm....nope. I like my man MANLY.

  17. No, and I know he would not.

  18. You've obviously never heard of a place called Scotland, where the guys wear skirts, called "kilts". Interesting choice of apparel, because Scotland is also noted for how freezingly cold it gets there, and it must be a tad draughty around one's ankles, but still, there the Scots are.

    And women could be Clan Chiefs, there, too - and they were far far far more blood-thirsty than the males, too. My family comes from there, and they talked about how the females would butcher just anyone for no apparent reason; the men would at least wait until they had a reason.

    And NOBODY teases a Scot about his kilt.

  19. That would just be demoralizing to the guy.  And, no, I wouldn't like it, my husband is very masculine, thank you very much, and he'll stay that way!

  20. I don't really think fashion is all that important in a relationship; as long as he's not wearing swastikas (yeah right, my jewish boyfriend with a swastika on his clothes) or anything, I'm down with it.

  21. sure...why'd be a real site since he's 6'6"

  22. Thanks Vino    I don't see anything wrong with it ether. Whats wrong with a gie getting in touch with his fem side. Its BOA-RING TO DRESS THE SAME ALL THE TIME.  Gals don't see it because they dress like gies a LOT and have millions of things designed for them to wear.Gies just get the same old stuff in diff colors if they are lucky.

  23. yeah, sure. I'm Beerfart at heart.

    I even got a kilt. But I'd draw the line at patent leather shoes and them socks with the frilly little tops.

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