
Women: If you conceived a child through rape would you...?

by Guest32011  |  earlier

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Amanda: The fact that you have to fall to attacking simple grammar errors makes your entire argument void to me.




  1. Depends on the type of person you are. If you want to help this child through this then adopt him/her.  If you are a 'new' parent then I would not recommend adopting the child. It is basically a call on your part of how much you are willing to give to this child and how much you want to go through for this child. Sorry if this doesn't help.

  2. I would go through with the pregnancy, and I would probably give the infant up for adoption after that. In my area, there are lots of people looking to adopt.

  3. Honestly....I would like to say i would keep it...

    but unless i am in that situation..i do not know..

    but one trait about myself that is a blessing.. is how forgetful and absent minded i am. ( this is born from a defense mechanism)

    I am not saying i would forget something as bad as rape...i still havent forgotten.

    but after a while i wouldnt even think about it.

    and i know for certain i could not hate someone for something they did not do...

    so maybe with me being that way...i could bring myself to love and keep the baby....

  4. I'd take the morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy, and if it didn't work, I would probably terminate the pregnancy.

  5. I would abort it.  Even though it is part of me; it is also part of him and his gene pool was probably not that great.

  6. Personally, I would keep him/her. It is just as much my own as it is the man who raped me. It isn't the childs fault it came ot be in an act of sin. The father should be the one pushished, not the baby. Abortion is NEVER an option.

  7. Neither. I would probably abort it.

    Why: The trauma that goes along with rape is hard enough without a constant reminder of it for the next 9 months. Plus the thought that I would be carrying the scum's child would just be too much to bear. I love children and want a big family, but with the right person.

    Edit: "You'd kill an innocent child that is apart of you over what someone else did?"

    Ohhh boy. First, it is not an "innocent child" yet. And obviously I would have it done as soon as possible, before any serious development. I'd take morning after pill to make sure. And this is not "someone else" who did something bad. It's the child's father.

    And actually, your grammatical error of "apart of you" rather than "a part of you," is actually more correct. A baby, biologically speaking, is another separate organism. Also, no child wants to come into this world unwanted, innocent or otherwise. Even if adopted, they most likely would seek me out at some point in their life asking questions, and I just think that would be a hurtful experience for both of us.

    Also, I don't think you should compound the horrible experience of a rape victim by telling them they should extend the experience of an unwanted violation on their body. I'm not judging the other options, it's any woman's own business how she would handle that situation.

    Like another poster said, though, no one can really know until it happens.

    Edit 2: I didn't "attack" your grammatical error. I merely pointed out the irony of it. I understand that everyone makes mistakes and this is not English class. Your comments seem to be increasingly immature.

  8. That's what the Plan B pill is for.  Take it within 48 hours and there's no implantation, hence no pregnancy.   Hospitals should issue it to those who want it when a rape is reported.

  9. I'd keep it. No matter how the child was conceived, it would still be mine and I don't think I could bring myself to give it away; I'd spend the rest of my life wondering who my child had grown up to be, and if it was alright. The rape wasn't the fault of the child and I'd love it and do my best to raise it just like I would in any other situation. I know it would be difficult as a single parent, but I wouldn't throw away what might be my only chance at motherhood. Maybe if it happened at a different time in my life, when I was a lot younger, I might've considered adoption but I really don't think I could've gone through with it.

  10. Abort. No woman in their right mind wants to sit around for nine months carrying the result of a rape.

    EDIT: Have YOU ever been raped? Unless you have and become pregnant, you have no right to judge others. It's not all about YOU.

  11. i've been raped before. that's hard enough to deal with without dealing with a pregnancy resulting from said traumatic experience on top of it. i was quite suicidal & self-desctructive afterwards. i'm surprised in some ways that i didn't die; certainly it wouldn't have been good for a fetus to depend on me considering what i was doing to my body.

    btw, i've also been pregnant & given birth before--so i know how hard that can be even when you planned & want a child. and labor & childbirth is highly effected by one's state of mind. the less relaxed you are, the worse it can be.

    having a rape in my past (and resulting PTSD), labor & delivery was a traumatizing experience in & of itself--even with it being my husband's child.

    currently i have an iud (i'm terrified of every getting pregnant & having ot give birth ever again) so it's *highly* unlikely i'd get pregnant, but if i did, i'd terminate it. (with the morning after pill, if possible).

  12. Well, considering I'm on 'the pill' it's unlikely, but if I was not, I'd take the morning after pill ASAP. If I was still pregnant, I would do the same thing that I would do if my husband impregnated me, have an abortion. The unborn are not people and thus terms such as innocent are of no use in your silly pro-life argument.

  13. I would keep the baby and let the Lord take care of the rest. Cos I don't believe in abortion and there is nothing absolutely too much for my God!

  14. I have no idea. I think few women could tell you what they would do in that situation until they actually experienced it.

  15. I would put it up for adoption.  It's not the babies fault that you got pregnanat, even if it was rape.  That is why you should not abort it or kill it.  Put it up for adoption.

  16. I would have to be there. But, for sure, I would have on mind the third option you think is a crime, to have an abortion, because I don't have to be a double victim.

  17. I would abort it.  I know that sounds horrible but I understand the emotions behind the choice.  Plus a lot of rape victims are given the choice for the morning after pill which takes care of the problem from the start.  I don't know many who consider the morning after pill an abortion, but if you do, then that's another choice for a pregnancy because of rape.

    I can't tolerate those who judge women who have an abortion after a rape.  The only ones who could possible understand is another rape victim.  Otherwise its just people trying to impose their moral code onto a situation that has extended beyond any code possible.

  18. I'd get the morning-after pill as soon as possible, but if it didn't work and conception occurred then yes, I'd get an abortion. I'm 16 with a bright future ahead of me. I'm a kid. I don't need a kid and I certainly don't need my future destroyed. I'm also morally opposed to putting babies up for adoption when there are so many out there as it is.

  19. Terminate. Pregnancy and childbirth have never held any appeal to me...having conceived via rape would make those experiences that much worse.

  20. I would place the child for adoption, for both our sakes.  If the child was a boy particularity and looked like his father could you look at him every day of his life and not see his father and how he'd been conceived??? Could you honestly be able to keep that separate from him especially when he really got you angry or as he grew to a man and looked even more like the man who'd raped you???  Could you look at him and not wonder if he'd grow up like his father even though he was also  a part of you.  IF it was a girl  could you look at her with

    with out wondering how she would feel knowing that her father had raped you?? How she would feel as a product of that rape and as a women ??? I'm not sure that as much as I love my children I would be able to love this child with out that shadow over falling the rest of our lives, better she/he lived with someone who didn't have that hanging over their heads all the time.

    For all the people who have ever said that no women in her right mind would carry the child to term if raped you don't know that unless it's happened to you.  I've been raped and I've placed a child for adoption so I know what I'm talking about.  Don't make assumptions until you've walked in someone else's shoes.

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