
Women: If you went undercover as a man...?

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... would you find out that men are generally down to earth people and that women are pretty hard work in comparison? That's what Norah Vincent found:

What do you think you would find if you went undercover as the opposite s*x?




  1. I would find that men and women are both hard work in comparison. We are two different races, so long as our genes determine our differences, we will always find each other hard work. Many women, like me, have tried to reach out and bridge the differences, but I've never met or heard of any men who have tried to do so. Men seem to like the old status quo.

  2. I really wouldn't be very convincing as a man, because I'm very tiny but I have enormous b*****s. I feel sure these alone would blow my cover.

  3. "As a woman," she writes, "you couldn't walk down those streets invisibly. You were an object of desire or at least semiprurient interest to the men who waited there, even if you weren't pretty." But in her makeshift man drag, she found that the same stoop-sitters and bodega loiterers didn't stare at her. "On the contrary," she says, "when they met my eyes they looked away immediately and concertedly and never looked back. It was astounding, the difference, the respect they showed me by not looking at me, by purposely not staring."


    I think that just about sums it up.


    George Gently - that may be partially true, but I think respect (and fear > a woman is less likely to punch you for staring at her) has a great deal to do with it.

  4. lol! I did that when I was 9. It was pretty funny what other boys that age talked about.I  was like,"what did I get myslef into?" It was fun though. I looked exactly like a boy with my do-rag and baggy sagging pants.

  5. I never thought "men" overall were not down to earth. Mind you, I've never found women hard work either. My close male friends don't treat me differently because I'm female, they're not biased like that. So I don't feel the need to dress up as a guy to see what they're like. It would be nice if that was true of everyone.

  6. I don't need to go undercover to realize that men are generally noble, kind and easy going people.

  7. I think that's your interpretation of what was written in what you provided the link to.   That's not really what I got the impression the books truly found out, other than the small part about men's handshakes seeming more sincere than women's fake hugs and air-kisses.  

    What I would find, if I went undercover as the opposite s*x, totally depends on what type of men I hung out with.  I have a couple guy friends whose interests mainly lie in fine dining, wine, books, etc.  I have other male friends who are more typical.  It totally depends - men are so different, just as women are.  What you'd find if you hung out with me and my friends would be completely different than what you'd experience hanging out with typical orange county girls (OC, CA).

  8. On the other hand, there was that article about the woman that went undercover as a man for 2 years anddiscovered that it seemed harder to be a man.

    I personally don't believe in that gender rubbish - I make friends with people, not according to what s*x they are.

    I think if I went undercover, I would find much more pressure to conform. Such as if as a man I went into my local pub and annoucned that I didn't like football and wanted a white wine spritzer instead of beer they would probably make fun.

    I think men need to l;iberate themselves. Because of women's lib, you can be who you want - wanna be girly? that's fine. Wanna be a tomboy? that's fine too. But men still feel the need to conform with eachother when it comes to strengths, sports, clothes, lifestyle etc.

  9. That I still looked better than you and got laid more often.

  10. They would learn that they can't handle being a man.

  11. I find that interesting. I wouldn't mind reading more for myself.As for going undercover to find out for myself, nah. I've been around enough men to know that men are cool. Even after two assaults.

    As for what you said about women being hard work, you can say the same about men too, you know.

  12. I thought about it for a little bit, and you know, I don't think I would find much more out than I already know.  I grew up alongside men my whole life.  With my dad, all boys in the family(cousins), mostly boys on my block(1 other girl), and so I hang out with mostly men.  Most of my friends are men, and they're pretty darn grossly honest with me.  I see where they're coming from, and they see me too.  I don't see the big deal.  We're all just people.

  13. Probably discover that being a man isn't plain sailing through life or getting advantages from an imagined men's club. Both sexes have certain behaviour they can 'get away with', it's just that people tend to think that the grass is greener on the other side.

    Class, poverty and economic corruption are still the biggest problems in our societies. The movements inaugurated to stamp these out are number one on the agenda, rights for women should be part of these not the other way around.

    edit Sam, it's not simple respect, it's just that the largest majority of men are not sexually interested in other men and so don't find them interesting enough to look at for more than ten seconds.

  14. I think I would find that men and women want have the same wants, needs, and desires in life. To be successful, fulfillment in love, life, and careers. To be in a loving relationship with someone that makes him/her happy. Maybe to live comfortably (or rich for some people) and to just be happy! Be happy with life, with themselves, their careers, and for some people love or families.

    I honestly don't think there's to much of a difference in the way men and women think. We both talk about s*x, we both talk about marriage/divorce, we both talk about career goals (well some do), and we both think about what's ahead in our future. The majority of my friends are men and we tend to see eye to eye on a lot of things. I'm not saying that they represent every man on earth, but they do represent every age, generation, race, religion, and region of the U.S. as well as  countries over seas. When it all comes down to it, we're no different from one another. We just have a hard time communicating to the opposite s*x what it is we feel (as men and women) will make us happy.

  15. That it is more acceptable to grab and scratch my balls in public, not to mention farting and burping indecently would only serve to impress other men. As a woman I already find a lot of women irritating and intolerable- I get along with men much better

  16. I would be the femiest man you ever met... I don't think people would fall for it... no way.

    Mike T... I don't buy the bravado your sellin, if you really though of yourself as "better" then women I doubt you would spend so much time here...

    btw your new pic is s**y in a "all they want is my body" type way.

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