
Women On The Pill Pick Mr Wrong?

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What do think of this nonsense.




  1. I think a similar genetic smell is okay, just so you don't in-breed with your family.

  2. Hormones should never be played with.

    As for picking the wrong one....

    An age old problem, both ways.

    I have a great Mr. He's the best!

  3. That must be why I'm still single.  

  4. No that's defiantly wrong well in my case anyway. I was on the pill when i met my husband and we have been together for 15 years.I couldn't have picked anyone better cos he is the best. : )

  5. I can disprove that theory.  I am not on the pill right now and the last one I picked was most definitely Mr Wrong!!!!!!

  6. Theres no such thing as Mr Wrong, just Mr I'm a bit of a wanker but I will charm the knickers off you anyway

  7. I think it is not the pill that causes the problem. It's because with the pill the threat of pregnancy is gone so women can afford to be less selective. We can make more mistakes(or have more fun depending on how you look at it) safe in the knowledge that we won't be stuck with the loser for life because we had the misfortune to get knocked up by him!

  8. Slow news day

  9. Is there any alternative to Mr. Wrong these days?

  10. Well they really went to town on that test.A whole 100 women were tested.Thorough or what,eh?

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