
Women On Yahoo Answers. Are They More Intellectual Than s**y?

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Women On Yahoo Answers. Are They More Intellectual Than s**y?




  1. All women are s**y, intellectual or not.

    I can find something s**y in all of them, Intellect, personality, sense of humour, Laugh, looks, you name it..

  2. they all are very Intellectual

  3. Who says we can't be both?

  4. Two separate issues.

    I can only infer intellectuality from the questions asked by the females and by the responses given by females.

    I find intellect interesting and stimulating.  If that's part of s**y, then yes, I find the ones who give considered answers to be s**y.  So, the more intellectual they are, the sexier they are.

    It equals out.

  5. Absolutely!

  6. In many cases both lol

  7. We're both.

  8. See... in the same way people have this prejudice over the "cosmo" girls, people thinks we intellectual girls are everything but s**y....

  9. I would say both, but I'm probably more s**y! : ) lol

  10. i think i qualify in both areas. ;)

  11. I am intellectual and s**y, thank you. As we all are.

  12. Your sexuality is between the ears not the legs. No brain sending signals to the groin and you have a veggie stick.

  13. Well, I certainly don't think of most of these feminists as attractive.

  14. It matters though, doesn't it.

    I mean, how do you know if my avatar is me or not?

    And if I'm s**y, does that make me stupid?


  15. I like the first answer. An intellectual woman is always a turn on.

  16. men on yahoo answers. are they more intellectual than perverted arseholes?

  17. Smart is s**y.

    Dumb girls act like little girls alot.

    If you find little girls s**y you are a sick weirdo.

  18. some are, some are not... but if you mean feminists... then you deal with low IQ and high body fat!

  19. Intellectual IS s**y

    So the question is a non-starter :)

  20. I certainly am but I don't detect too many intellectuals on here.

  21. I am equal in both categories. LOL

  22. Well im very intellectual and extremely s**y.. so yes!

  23. My husband thinks I am s**y and I passed 7 exams last year.

    Intellectual is s**y.

  24. I have way more s*x appeal than intelligence haha but I am not illiterate, I get by=]


  25. my intelligence is s**y..

    and my bi polar, ADD, psychopathic tendencies are friggin smokin!

    ( note i have not been properly diagnosed with these just so d**n crazy I do it myself)

  26. Is being smart a bad thing making you ugly?

    It's not! being smart is part of beauty !

  27. Woman..Intellectual..Mmmm

  28. People spewing hateful ideology like feminism are not s**y or intellectual. They are pseudo intellectuals who try to convince others what their saying is very important.

  29. No. We're both.

  30. I could only imagine that most avatars are misleading anyway. that's the intended purpose of this site, to get non-biased or pre-judged information not based on your physical self but your intellect and the basis of issuing points

  31. I like to believe I'm both...

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