
Women Politicians in Government ....

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Are women politicians there because:-

a) the political parties want to be 'seen' to be PC

b) political parties think they'll get more votes by having a woman standing for a particular constituency

c) they are truly better, more dedicated and less corruptible than men ?




  1. None of these!They are there because of the money;The expenses;and the honours at the end!Nothing else!

  2. or d) the same reasons as men politicians are there?

    I pick d.

  3. Harriet Harman answers a) and b) but definitely not c) because she carries on with a battle that was always based on myth. Men have conceded everything that feminists claim to have won, and it was a near all male Parliament that gave them the vote in 1918. Continuing with the lie that says men are the enemy is letting down both sexes. I cite Harman as an example, but there are many others who only represent half of their constituents.

  4. None of the above (and a & b mean the same thing)

    The answer is that women are natural politicians.  They negotiate, manipulate and manage their way around situations every minute of every day.  Just try living with one.

  5. is actually because women are truly better, more dedicated and less corruptible, more charismatic, more humane, feel the pain of the less privilaged, they have compasion more than men, they love peace more than wars etc

  6. Option A & B but not C.

  7. To be fair, there will be some female politicians who are there on merit and are as good at their job as the males (and probably better in some cases).

    However I do think that due to "positive discrimination" some women maybe there to fill a quota.  It doesn't mean that they are bad at what they do but that is the world we live in today.  It's all about the figures.

  8. c is out - you only have to look at the likes of Harperson, Smith, Primarolo, Halfwit etc.  I have great admiration for Estelle Morris who resigned as Education Secretary because "I was not up to the job", pity those listed above can`t do the same.

  9. In general women do not make any better or worse MPs than men.

    Your average constituency MP does not neccessarily have (or have to have) any great vision,competence or expertise.They just have to seen as ideologically sound by their party and to appeal to their local electorate.That said some constituency MPs do stand out as skilled Parliamentarians generally and can applies whatever the gender or politics.A different matter when it comes to Cabinet and sub-cabinet jobs.Perhaps at that level more 'wimmin' owe their jobs to (a) and possibly (b) but at a national level.


  10. i read somewhere this week that women were better liars than men. and that was said by a woman. so i guess they are there for that purpose, they seem to be doing very well in new labour that's for sure.

  11. In Italy, it is because so that Belusconi can grope them and make dirty jokes about them. Yes, he does that sort of thing, but he's not the only one. There's no reason women cannot be politicians or soldiers or lumber-jacks if they can handle it. Are you genderphobic?

  12. I'd like to think that they are there because they are the best person for the job but since the political parties insist on all women shortlists for candidates and quota systems for the amount of women MPs then I sadly have to go with your answer 'A'

  13. Generally option a & c but with this governent not c

    You have only gotto see what we have as ministers now to know that  

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