
Women: Pro-life or the right to choose, which is more important?

by  |  earlier

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During another question I asked I made a comment about John McCain wanting to overturn Roe v. Wade. Much to my surprise the women who responded to my question were all in support of overturning Roe v. Wade. My question is, do they really pro-life or were they just trying to defend a John McCain position?




  1. I, personally, am Pro-life. However, I respect the fact that some women are Pro-Choice. I understand that they want to choose what they do with "their" child with no regard for the sperm donor needed to create it. I feel that abortion should only be deemed acceptable when the Mother's life is in danger. My main opinion is that too many people use abortion as a means of birth control when we know there are tons of other options. It doesn't matter to me whether the court decision is overturned. As far as your second question is concerned, Y! Answers is not a serious political forum- so I can't tell you whether they're Pro-Life or Pro-Choice or defending McCain.

  2. It's an old tactic by Republicans . They could have long overturned that.

    Regan, Two Bushes, They only say that during elections

    They tell conservatives what they want to hear but never deliver.

    McCain will do no more than Regan,Bush Sr, or Bush Jr

  3. The freedom to make our own decisions is one of the things that this country was founded on.  Being anti-choice is tantamount to being anti-American.

  4. well is it more important for me to have the right to kill you or for you to have the right of the protection of the police?

    if you say you are pro life you are

  5. The right to choose is more important- if we're not allowed to control our own bodies, we're pretty much done.

    I support the right to choose up until the 12th week.

  6. Pro-Life people probably answered because they're more likely to be adamant about it as the law is currently not in their favor (eg... you don't hear people chanting about women's right to vote because they already have that right).

    The thing is... if you take away the right to choose you end up with kids with terrible lives because their mothers didn't want them or couldn't support them.  Also, they don't know individual situations.  What about the woman who doesn't want a baby that's the result of a rape? Or someone who will be seriously injured or killed if they have a baby?  It's not just people who are acting irresponsibly.

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