
Women: What's your opinion on a male calling a female "stupid"?

by Guest33490  |  earlier

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Is that just as hurtful as him hitting you?




  1. A man who calls a woman stupid is a guttersnipes, I have observed a couple in front of me in a supermarket check out, the woman was talking about an incident in a happy cute mood, The guy answered in a sweet way,You 're stupid. I was shocked.

  2. Calling anyone stupid is considered a curse word in my house.

  3. Most of the ladies' answers here are perfect examples of female victimhood. 'Stupid' isn't half as bad as the words girls hurl around freely at boys in my school.

    I feel that if the woman has done something silly, she deserves it. Even otherwise, the word is not so bad as him hitting her.

  4. My brother in law used to call my neice stupid. It warped her for life (she became an adult with low self esteem, depression, oversensitive, alcohol - he really did some damage to her developing psyche, smacking it down like that, and then laughing at her. Very cruel. Very hurtful Lots of actual damage.

    BUT! Your question may not be about a parent committiong verbal abuse on a child--you may be asking abou a MUCH LESS SERIOUS situation

    AND I wonder why you'd just be loading for an answer (well asking OTHER SISTER women to agree with you is basically foregoing the chance of hearing you may be wrong if you are isnt it)

    you "load" the question, when you set it up to put some guarantee on the results you'll get

    So, I get the feel that you're just "gonna show him" with some results you got  -from a skewed poll.

    And maybe the him, naybe it isnt even a big deal of a situation, you're just looking to back up a principle.

    Maybe. (Well, you gotta specify this stuff, or we WILL have to extrapolate!)

    I'd say - if it's a child, dont let it happen once!

    If it's a friendly ribbing betwen adults, AND IF HE DOESNT


  5. Stupid in a hurtful way is bad...

    like " you are no good and completely stupid! no wonder no one loves you!"

    but as a joke...among friends.

    like " Stop being so stupid!..of course your my best friend!"

    but i like the japanese word Baka means stupid, fool, moron....etc etc...but it sounds cuter than stupid!

  6. To be honest, my friend (an ex bf who stayed friends with me) does this frequently.

    At first, it was funny..because we all joke around and call each other stupid (I think0. Now, it just makes me feel horrible.  I sometimes really do wonder if I'm stupid.  I confronted him about this, and he says that he's telling the truth and that he still cares about me, even though he calls me stupid frequently.

    When he's nice, I feel good.  But, the minute he calls me stupid..I feel sunken.  It's a weird feeling.  I choose to not let him go though as a friend. Sorry. But, I guess that lets you know how much damage has been done...I feel too stupid to make new friends, so I'm staying with him.


    I'm telling the d**n truth to whoever gave me a thumbs down. You try to be in my shoes and you see how it is.  I'm just being honest as to how it affects me.

  7. Immature, but sometimes it's well-deserved. It's no more hurtful than a woman calling a man stupid, or a man calling a man stupid, or a woman calling a woman stupid.

  8. Sounds like he's a jerk!  I don't believe ANYONE should be called stupid.  You see, with words there are no "take backs".   Once something is said, it is a done deal.  I would not be with anyone who feels they need to call me stupid!  Yes, it's just as hurtful, but in an emotional way.  Hitting and name calling would be a relationship breaker.  It's called abuse.

  9. Yes, because women are as fragile as small children and insults made towards them from a man are 100% indefensible and unfair considering the parties inherent disparity.

  10. I just say I disagree. There are a lot of intelligent men out there who will say "stupid" things just to get you talking, and you are the idiot for catching the bait!

  11. It is important to tell the difference between both kind of violence. If a man attacks a woman in a phisycal way rather than being less or more hurtful than calling her stupid, he represents a serious threat to her. So, in my opinion this is waay worse than just an insult.

  12. no me getting hit would hurt worser but its still bad too be emotionally abused

  13. The man had a reason to call her that in the first place.

  14. There is nothing wrong with stating the truth.

  15. Oh noes, he called me stupid. Whatever shall I do? Just tell him "I'm rubber and you're glue" and be done with it.

  16. if the man has reasons, well thats okay, but if theres no reason, it can hurt

  17. It's can be considered rude or true no matter who says it. It just depends on the reason behind the name-calling. Some people really are stupid

  18. My opinion of him would be that he's an arrogant uneducated dimwit with an inferiority complex. It shows more abouthim that he is childish and bad mannered.

  19. If anyone called me stupid they would not be my friend.

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