
Women: What one thing do you find beautiful about yourself?

by Guest64908  |  earlier

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I thought it was interesting how even if a woman thought she was beautiful, she still found flaws. What is the most beautiful thing about you and what is the most flawed. Then, compare the two and which one do you think is more obvious to other people?

Inspired by Why_so's question about beauty.




  1. Shamu size aside ; ] weirdly enough I think my stretch marks are beautiful. They're like my little badge of honor.

    But also I've come to terms with my hair and now I find it to be quite beautiful and healthy looking. Plus I've never had to color it to retain my natural blonde color which is something I love.

    I'd say my biggest flaw is my breast. I developed early and had D's by the time I was 14. I'm also very petite so I feel they look awkward on me. I was always self-conscious about them and hated wearing tops that were tight or revealing. Now that I'm pregnant they've swelled to twice their normal size and at times they just make me very uncomfortable.


    I definitely understand them being a self-esteem killer. But I've come to terms with the fact that since I'm having twins there is no way I'll walk away without them.

    Plus if someone makes a comment about them you get to say "Hey, guess what? I had a baby. A living, breathing, beautiful baby. What have you done?::long pause:: Yeah I thought so!"

  2. my earlobes.  I think my earlobes can be displayed as the perfect earlobes for human beings regarding symmetry, geometry and such things.

  3. Hmm, I really like my stomach.

    I run often, so I have one of those wash-board abs type of deals going on.

    But when I am running, I can't help but wonder if people are looking at my thighs. I know they aren't big, but they aren't proportional to the rest of my body. It seems all of the sweets and sugars that I eat end up cumulating there.

    It's really the reason why I run. :p

    I think people notice my stomach more... Ok, so I know people notice that more. But whenever I receive a compliment, I'm always thinking, 'What? Have you seen these legs? Psssht.'

    But I normally am very comfortable with my body. I only think this when it's one of those days. Ya know?

  4. I really love the shape of my waist going down to my hips, I love the curve. My most flawed I'd say my hair, I get dread locks so easily because it's really dry. If I wear my hair out when I go to sleep I wake up with a head full of dreads.

    Compare the two: I'd say my dread head is pretty obvious; but it doesn't bother me no-one is perfect.

  5. my bottom-

    i really like it-  its small and perky.

    i dislike my b*****s- they are too big, and gravity certainly affects them!

    of the two, I think the b***s are the most noticeable, but as they are only ever seen in a bra, I can live with it.

  6. the best thing about me is my esy going personality, I can talk to anyone about anything & I love to do it

    the worst thing about me is the scars I have all over my face, arms & legs. I have an extremely rare case of sensitive skin, any little scratch or cut tends to get infected & always leaves a scar

    people see the scars first & u can tell they think I have some type of contagious disease so alot of people never get a chance to see the inner me

  7. Beauty: Neck to hips. It's pretty shazam if I do say so myself. Plus my nails, they've always been fast-growing and sturdy.

    Flaws: Hair. I hate it. Thick, and prone to frizz. Plus even though I  only weigh about 115 at 5'8" I carry like all of my weight in my lower body. Drives me absolutely nuts. Plus, I literally have extremely thin skin. You can trace veins all over my body and I bruise easily.

    I guess living in coastal SoCal with so many beautiful peers (the stereotype is pretty much true) flaws kind of jump out. :(

  8. My gritty determination and refusal to be defeated are my best features.

    My worst flaw is my depression.

  9. Beauty: eyes

    Flaw: height (or lack thereof)

    My height is more obvious to people, since they usually have to look down to see my eyes.

  10. say the one. who doesn't like herself without makeup.

  11. Positive feature: I have a nice facial structure, great hair, and a trim figure

    Negative features: I'm short, my arms get a little hairy, and I have lots of scars from being clumsy

    I like to think that the pros outweigh the cons.

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