
Women - When you go out to eat where do you place your purse?

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I went to a movie and then outside cafe this past weekend with my MIL and I placed my bag on the floor inbetween my feet at both places. She was outraged that I placed on the "dirty" ground. I shy away from placing it on the back of my chair or on the empty seat next to me due to the fact that someone could easily snatch it. Weighing my options I felt it was more likely that someone would steal it, than the percentage of me contracting a deadly disease from it.

So I am wondering, where do you place your place when you go out if there is no hook?




  1. In food courts, -on my lap.

    In cafes, on the chair next to me.

    In restaurants-chair next to me or tucked next to me on my chair.

  2. I place mine on my lap.

  3. Between my two feet so noone can steal it or steal something from it.

  4. okay. you put it on the back of the chair FACING the chair next to you!

    or on the table away from the food, or maybe on your lap if you don't have a napkin there.

  5. mine is very small, I carry very little with me so if it's a matter of not needing anything but a credit or debit card, I put one in my pocket and lock my purse in the trunk of my car. If I have to take it into a rest. I hang it on the back of the chair.

  6. on the floor. the only place i won't stick my purse is on a bathroom floor. it's going on the hook if i'm in the bathroom

  7. With the world going so crazy on idenity theft and all, I watch my personal belongings even closer than I did before.  When I now have one of those purses that go over my sholder like a book bag and I wear my purse.  But I do not carry my purse very often any more.  I use a f***y pack or just bring my wallet if I need it and leave most of my id's locked up in a safe at home.  Many times I have seen people slip purses out from under/between feet with the victim not knowing it is happening.  I have had to get up from my table and make it known to people there is someone taking a purse from  under their feet.  We have to ever vigialant to watch out for ourselves because many people will not stand up and get involved these days like I do.  Main thing you need to remember especially right now with our economy getting so bad, people are getting desprate.  Don't become a victim, make sure you know your seroundings and don't give desprate people a target.  I have stopped wearing many of my expensive jewelery peices and when I go somewhere I just bring a wallet I can put in my front pocket with just the minimal ID.  What ever you do, do not lock your stuff up in your car and leave it, even if you have an alarm.  The thieves are starting to stalk parking lots, remote parking areas and such to break in and still what they can even more these days.  Be aware.  As for contracting a deadly disease from the floor??? Very unlikely.  But if that is something that concerns you, you can always optain a purse with a shorter strap and hang it on one of your knees so it does not touch the floor but it is still where you can feel someone trying to remove it from your area too.

  8. They sell hooks now that you can carry with you, I've seen them in trendy boutiques and in catalogues.  Or you might carry paper towels with you.  As far as I am concerned you did the right thing putting between your feet.  I was on a trip overseas awhile back, a lady in our group put her purse on the back of her chair.  It got stolen and took her a long time at the consulate to replace her passport.

    At the movie I would keep it in my lap.

  9. I put on the bench were I am sitting.

  10. i put it beside me on the bench or by my foot on the floor

  11. Lap, or table or chair...

    Nowhere more than 40cm away from me

  12. If I were in your situatiuon I would have set it on the ground also, you can wipe it off with lysol wipes and you cannot if it gets snatched, don't worry what she says about it..

  13. Ugh I have had this problem for years.  Go on line and you can buy this cute hook that you carry in your purse and you hook it to a table or back of a chair (like at the movies) they are like 10 dollars  "Purse hook"

    Best of luck

  14. well i normally place it on the chair with me!  Weather it be like a back rest for me or not!  Most of my important info is placed in a  pocket not my purse.. so if some one does walk off with it then they have new make up.. lol

    but over all i try to keep it off the floor and near my body!  my straps don't go over a chair!

    But one day i was dinning out and i seen this lady who had the most increadable thing i have ever seen!

    it was like a table hanger!  a little gadget that you clip to the table and a hook to hold your purse!

    NEAT!!  but never looked to where to buy!  but it's look to solve this problem!

  15. When I am in a booth I put it right beside me, when I'm in a chair I put it on my lap...It sounds stupid but I'm VERY worried someone will steal it...

    Even at school if I go to throw my food away I'll have my friend hold my purse. I'm kinda OCD about it...But I see where you are coming from.

    At the movies I keep it in my lap too...

  16. i put it on the floor by my feet, but I have heard that silly nonsense about not placing it on the floor

  17. Usually on my lap or on the chair beside of me

  18. floor

  19. I find it most helpful to just simply place my purse in the lap of the person who is sitting at the table adjacent to me.  Regardless that the person is a stranger, they are less likely to forget to take your purse upon their departure from the restaurant...this seems to work out for me.  Hope this helps.

  20. i would place it in my lap,it's the best solution.but if you are gone to an cocktail,try a purse with short handle and keep it on your arm.

  21. i put it in between my feet. if ur so worried about germs, just wash ur bag in the bathroom afterwards with a wet wipe or something

  22. on my lap or the seat next to me

  23. just place it in your lap

  24. I always make sure my purse has some type of strap; so when I sit I can loop it over my knee or across my body depending on the area..

  25. Just put it on the empty seat and push the seat all the way in

  26. Me personally I put it in my lap!!

  27. i dont put in back of chairs either. if im in a place with obviously dirty floors then i just keep it in my lap, between my legs. But usually if the floor isnt gross looking i cross my legs and hook it on my foot. haha.

  28. If there is an empty chair, then I place it there and just watch it carefully.  Either at the movies or a resteraunt.  If in a booth at a resteraunt, i'll place it next to me.  

    DO NOT ever place it on a movie theatre floor.  That is so filthy.  I have even heard that people should never wear shorts to the movies.  Because of all the germs.  

    If it is such an issue, place it in your lap at the resteraunt.  It may be uncomfortable, but where are you putting your purse once you arrive home?  On a table you eat off of?  On the counter where you prepare food?  That's far worse than being uncomfortable for an hour at a resteraunt.

    When at the movies, I will typically place my purse between me and the arm rest if the seat next to me is taken. I would always prefer to hold my purse place it on the dirty floor anywhere.

  29. it's weird, but i always put mine on my foot. Or in the chair with me.

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