
Women: When you leave your husband, doesn't he deserve to at least know why you are leaving?

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I always kept my wedding vows, never cheated, and tried to help around the house as much as I could. She left after 5 years, and didn't even let me know what I did wrong.




  1. Maybe you didnt do anything wrong.  Maybe she did but doesnt have the guts to tell you.  I do think you deserve to know, but unfortunately, you cant make her tell you.  Try to keep your head up, after all, everything that happens to us happens for a reason, and there is a good chance you will be better off in the long run anyway.  good luck to you.

  2. she should at least tell you why she left

  3. Maybe she was telling you, but you just were not listening. Men have a habit of doing this, so sit back and have a big think to yourself and you might work it out why she left.

  4. more details..................???? please  

  5. Yes, I think you have the right to know why she left.  Some women don't want a good man.  If he don't cuss her or beat the h**l out of her or keep her in drama........some woman get bored.  She might not ever tell you the reason she left you, but you do deserve to know.

  6. I think that if a man is not being unfaithful and trying to make the marriage work and the wife leaves after only five years, then certainly you deserve an explanation.

    It sounds like something that is a huge problem in our culture right now and it's why we have such a high divorce rate. Instead of looking inward to see what a person can change about him/her and his/her actions, they try to change the person that their with so that they can be "happy".

    From what you have posted, I think it's a good idea to stop trying to mind-read about why your ex-wife left you and try to adjust to being happy without being married. Obviously this is a lot easier said than done but I think that should be your beginning point.

    That's based on what you have posted though. It's also very possible that you know why she left you but you want to hear her say it just so that you can be sure. If this true, then you've probably already asked her and she's not going to tell you no matter what you do.

    What you might want to do is see a marriage/relationship counselor or a life coach to look at what you possibly did incorrectly in the relationship and perhaps with women in general. I would strongly recommend this because if you don't change then the type of women that you attract and how you interact with women won't change and you will be in similar situations like this.

    Of course, this is conjecture and it's possible that she left you for no good reason but I think if you get an objective (and professional) point of view on this then if this is the case then you won't have this lingering doubt.  

  7. That's really shady. Of course you should know why she left but f-her. Move on and hopefully you meet someone better.

  8. Then she sucks, she didn't deserve you and you did nothing wrong! It's sad that this happened to you but at least be glad now you can move on and find someone who will love you and be happy with you like you deserve.

  9. don't worry about it you did nothing wrong but be your self. it takes two to tango and for a marriage to work. she found someone bigger and better in her eyes. be glad its over, and pick up dignity off the floor and move forward. you deserve someone that is going to love, cherish, and accept you for who you are.

  10. There is no point asking why????

    If you love her enough let her free. You are a good person she will know in her heart. What is love anyway? All you can do is tell her no matter what happen you do love/care for her so much. Peace!

  11. Maybe someday she'll give you the closure you are looking for.  Most likely, she left because she wasn't the wife you deserved to have.  Maybe she was cheating?  You didn't necessarily do anything wrong, she just didn't have the guts to be honest with you about why.

    I left my husband after 24 years of marriage.  Most of the time I would try to talk to him about issues I thought were important, family and money were the big things.  He didn't listen to me very well.  When I finally left after the last one was in college, he wondered why.  When I started to list the reasons, he thought I was like a broken record saying the same things I always said.  I told him that these were my reasons and sorry if he didn't get it after I gave him over 20 years of my life.  I won't say I gave him the best years of my life because they are yet to come.  Yours are too.  You will be happy again someday with someone worthy of you.  Best wishes to you.

  12. maybe she was cheating. I think u were the better man here and when she picked up and left she was the one that did wrong and felt guilty and maybe she didn't want to tell u cause she didn't want to make u feel bad cause of what she did!

  13. Leave her alone. I've always heard you get what you deserve.

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