
Women With Mirena IUC... Opinions?

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I have had the Mirena IUC for 3 years now and I absolutely love it but I have heard many horror stories about others experiences with it. I am just curious about others opinions on the Mirena IUC. Did you get pregnant while using it? Were your experiences good or bad? Would you recommend it to others?

Any info/opinions you submit are greatly appreciated ;)




  1. Well, I definitely had a problem with it. I had already had a bad (very rare) reacting to the minipill (progesterone only). Unlike most women who usually have lighter periods, or periods that stop all together, I bled like a had my period for 3 whole months. I became horribly anemic, and the doctor ordered me off it. Then, a new doctor told me to try the mirena I wanted a copper IUD, but he wouldn't give me it because I haven't had children. He said the mirena was a softer plastic and he didn't want to accidentally perforate my uterus.) I told him my issue with the minipill, but he said it was 1/10 the hormone level, and shouldn't be a problem. Big lie. Again, I bled for 3 months, became horribly anemic, and had to have it removed. Did I mention that my husband could feel the string poking him every time we had s*x? The doctor went in there 3 times to trim it down, but both he and I could always feel it. It was a total pain for me, and I just went ahead and had my tubes tied. I didn't want kids anyway.

    So, would I go out and recommend the Mirena? No. But, like you, I've heard many women think it's great. So, when someone asks, I tell them they can always try it. If they don't like it, have it taken out.

  2. A co-worker of mine is on, and i heard she loves it. I've heard it's pretty effective actually. I told my friend to get it before she tied her tubes, because Other than heavier periods,i heard it really does work. Good Luck to You...


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