
Women: Would the punishment fit the crime?

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I was recently talking to a friend of mine who is a professor of history, and the discussion somehow morphed into a discussion of rape, and punishment. She said that at some points in history, there have been countries and societies which punished rapists by removing their p***s (sometimes at the hand of the victim herself) in a sort of public event. In some instances, the crowd was often made up largely of women.

Now I'm not suggesting that this approach be used today, nor am I looking to discuss the cruelty of using such an approach to punish rapists.

I know that either gender can be the victim of rape, but it is largely women and children who are most frequently the victims.

What I'd like to know is how would other women feel about such a punishment? If the rapist was unquestionably guilty, would you watch such a punishment? Why or why not? If so, how do you think you would feel watching it?




  1. Okay here's another way of looking at it: Weigh it against the mental anguish their victims suffer and often times Diseases they cannot just get rid of!  the Death Penalty, Sterilization and Amputation are appropriate!  Especially in the case of a Child.

    One Note:

    Colorado just passed an Open Bathrooms law, that allows both genders use the same  public facilities, giving access to Predators while vulnerable women and children, become their Victims and Easy access!....ALL IN THE NAME OF EQUALITY AND EQUAL ACCESS....The Very first Case involving a rape or Molestation from ths point in that State Should Demand Castration, Because they Wrote a Dumb Law One Month Ago!

  2. Susan Brownmiller in "Against our will, men, women and rape" points out that rape isn't s*x. It's power and dominance.

    The "punishment" you raise would be equating rape to s*x. It would leave the male angry and frustrated. He has the drive but not the means. Would you not agree that it would be easy for him to focus his anger on women? To commit more crimes against women? Rape doesn't require a p***s.

    "The rapist is unquestionably guilty" We convict people on the standard "beyond a reasonable doubt." and mistakes happen. A number of death row inmates have been found innocent. Their trials  had  found them "unquestionably guilty" The same has happened with men convicted of rape. While the woman identified them as the rapist, DNA testing showed it wasn't them. What would you do if an innocent man was wrongly convicted "punished" and then found innocent?

  3. With DNA evidence as strong as it is, it would satisfy me to know that if someone were guilty of this crime that they would be punished by being made to stay in prison indefinite.

    Chopping off bits would be the most fitting, as the bits are what caused the trouble in the first place,and to watch it would be gruesome but would at least set a precedent which I'm sure worked in ancient times.

    However, we do have legal systems in place and for good reason. It is up to us as citizens to educate ourselves in regards to the law and elect those who will see to it that these laws are adhered to. Also, to review the ones already in place and revise where necessary.

    To me, if you violate someone else's rights, you  abdicate your own and along with it, your freedom. Sexual acts of violence should be treated as deviants and therefore the offender should not enjoy the rights of those who do not perform them.

  4. There are places that allow chemical castration today. It renders the member unusable. But only works if the drug is taken on a  regular basis.

    Rape is more often a crime of control , dominance and humiliation. A power thing. Not often is it a crime of 'passion. ' In that regard, a man will seek other means of violence. So, it may stop a man's ability to rape, but it will not cure the psyche that perpetuates such acts. It will find another outlet.

    I don't think i'd care to watch a 'surgical' castration.

  5. Oh my god.It is a little over the top maybe if they were a repeat offender then maybe cut it off yes .I wouldnt want to watch tho!

  6. Very dumb question. Do you really think we should go back a step in criminal punishment? I guess you want shoplifters hands to be cut off too?

  7. o jeez thats sad.. but they shouldnt rape.. and it would be the worst thing to see someones p***s come off!! i mean the person needs that....

  8. personally i think if some guy raped a woman or worse a child they should have that punishment even today!

    that way there's NO way he can do it again! OK they're let out of prison "changed men" ye right! once a rapist - always a rapist! - they cant be watched 24/7! so who's to know if they've actually "changed", they can lie!

    unless there is doubt weather the s*x was with consent or not, in that case they should have a fair trial..

  9. I'm a man, The professionals say that rape isn't about the s*x but about the power. If that is true than cutting of his p***s would do little to reform him. I'm not sure if the professionals are right about this view. Just another thought if you did cut off the male organ and it is about the power and not the s*x than would he the rapist just than use a object to commit the rape with. (I am NOT a rapist so I don't know)

  10. if you had more punishments like this dont you think the number of rapes would go down? but then this society many innocent men would loose something very precious. i think this would be good but only for ppl who are child molesters (child 12 and under) because there is no way a child that age can concent to s*x.

    if they brought back the death penilty i bet you crime would plumit. now a days rapist get off scott free and its easier to kill your victim rather than let them idenitfy you.

    yeah i would watch it. not to see the man tortured but to see a woman/man regain thier dignity and to see them feel safe again.

    alot of rape victims are never secure thinking that man will come back to do it again.

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