
Women: a.what has a guy to loose, when he approaches you and b.Is a happy, confident and successful guy s**y ?

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or is look more or equally important than being confident, successful and a happy man who also makes you happy




  1. a: nothing

    b: personality is more important than looks. beauty comes from within. So if you are happy, confident and have humor, than that's great.  

  2. If you are confident, hot, good personality and not over the top creepy on your approach, then i can see any single girl being besotted by you!

  3. a. The worse thing that can happen is she will say No.  Then you move on to someone else.

    b. When it comes right down to it, looks are maybe 15% of the equation.  I know many men who are gorgeous to look at, but the minute they open their mouths, they say something nasty and ruin whatever chances I may have given them.  I want a man to treat me with respect, honesty and integrity.  Even being successful by today's standards is 2nd to a quality personality.    

  4. well a. a guys got nothing to loose when he approaches a guy except  the rejection and prefebly the reputation depending on the personality. if your a cocky, now it all, try hard and you try to approach a girl with those attitudes... its just gonna embarass you.

    and b. yes i think a happy confident and successfull guy is s**y... but if theirs the looks as well.. then your the whole package ;D

  5. any man that is a genuinely nice and makes me happy is good enough money and looks dont really come in to it i would rather be with some that is happy and has prospects about them!  

  6. A. It depends on the approach, I think many men who are good men, i will say, get gun shy to approch women because they get brushed off by women.  The bad guys do make it hard for the good ones to meet women sometimes.  So I think some men loose a tiny bit of thenselfs each time they try to approch a woman and get brushed off.  And others may get lucky.  

    B. Yes as long as the confidence doesn't come aross as to cocky and a better then others attitude.

    C. I think looks are interesting because we all look different so it really is in the eye of the beholder now isn't it.  So i would say equally cause you have to be attracted to the person you want to be with.  

  7. It depends, there's a very thin line between confident and arrogant and you have to be careful not to cross it.

  8. A guy has nothing to loose when he approaches me, but has to respect me as lady. Nothing is more important a person's heart. Looks do not play any important roles, as they dont last forever, and sometimes people lose their eyes, legs or hands accidentally. What happens when that day comes? Therefore, to me, the guy's heart is important and who is he is.  

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