
Women and self esteem?

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alright guys at night its so much stuff that roams in my mind so I got a question for you ladies... and men

do you think a man can change a womens perception in life or can change a women for the better?... for example.. a women who is usually depressed a had low self-esteem... meets a guy and after she dates him for a while she starts to look better and become more positive about life

or do you believe the lady has to feel positive within herself before she dates the guy and if she feels better than she already does about her self and relationship (before and after she dates him)that would just adds positivety to the realtionship and her esteem

which do you agree with and why?




  1. Yes, if he has good moral character, keep on good relationship and try to understand her/his partner and affectionately treat the partner with help from the core of heart in hours of difficult, he can change his/her partner.

  2. Somebody who suffers from clinical depression will continue to suffer from this illness unless there is medical intervention/therapy.  There are no 'quick fixes'.  The early infatuation period of the relationship will come to a close and real life will set in once more...  and  so will the next depressive episode,  Its inevitable.  Its a chemical imbalance in the brain: this is a real physiological illness - not a character flaw - so get it treated.

  3. I'm not a lady, so I don't know. However, what I do know is that a woman can certainly change a man's perception in life and improve his mood,  just by showing interest in him. However, in order to really get rid of depression, you need to work out what the root cause is & get rid of it.

  4. Anyone can certainly have an outside influence on their emotional well beings. If she meets someone who she can connect with and who supports her and helps her out emotionally, it can help but your right she also needs to heal herself from within as well.

  5. i think a guy can have a great influence on a woman because a guy can make you feel like your the most beautiful woman in the world and  make you fell like the ugliest woman in the world so yeah i think a guy can make a great impression and a bad impression on a woman but most of it has to come from  within because not every man is going to tell you how beautiful you are that's up to you to know that so its both  

  6. Yes I think a person can have a big impact onho we feel ourselves.

  7. I agree with most of the others here.... a person can have a big impact on another person as far as self-esteem goes.  A wonderful guy who treats his woman with respect and dignity and love, will eventually help that woman to see herself worthy of respect, dignity and love.

    The same is true for women who treat their man with respect, dignity and love.  Different as we may be in some respects, men and women both respond positively to positive influences from others, and negatively from negative influences from others.  We are both human in that way.  :-)

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