
Women and swearing?

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I listened to a radio show about how as a society we have become numb to swearing from both genders. In the old days, men were respectful towards women by not swearing in front on them. Since women's lib, women wanted to be treated as equals so men now swear in front of them.

Guys: do you swear in front of women and/or do you find it offensive when women swear?




  1. if my gf gets me mad yeah

    no i dont find it offensive this is the century

    now its not like old days no more thats the past

  2. I try not to swear at all. I believe that swearing and mouthing off are signs of a retarded mentality.

    It used to be only low-life men who swore but now, thanks to the media, it has become endemic in society.

    It is particularly sad to see women descending to this silliness.

  3. I've sworn like a sailor since college-just not at work.

    So I don't care what a man or woman says around me outside of work.

  4. Ahhh, why does the women's lib comes up here? The woman's lib is supposed to relate to votes, rights, freedom etc etc. Not swearing! o_0. But I see your point.

    I think nowdays, males don't take things like, you're a girl so i can't swear in front of you in mind. Once a group of boys sweared in front of me, I was like, 'excuse me?', and they said 'hi, go away.'

  5. I swear I never swear in front of women, men or children.

  6. men can swear in front of women just like we can swear in front of them

  7. Actually, it has always turned me on when women use certain words. Call me insensative but when one "f" word is used by a woman, I really get hot.

  8. I will swear in front of some women.  However I find it unattractive when they do.  Not offensive.

  9. yes i swear in front of women and no i don't take offense to a woman swearing as long as every second word isn't f*** or c***. she has just as much right to swear as i do but its up to her not to let herself down by carrying on like a f****** fishwife and a mouthy c***.

    time and a place for it really. sometimes its hot.

  10. I use language appropriate to get my message across.  At times, there is intense resistance, and I re-enforce the message with harsh words.  As for women swearing - most of 'em swear like troopers, whether trailer trash or Wall Street executive.  And I find that the more it's heard, the less the shock value, such as with the "f" word or even "motherf***er".  Frankly, there are far more serious challenges facing society than a few cuss words.

  11. I will swear only in front of people I know would not take offense.  I don't swear often, for the reason that I believe it shows lack of vocabulary skills.

    I will not swear in front of people that take offense, people I don't know and children.

  12. I don't find swearing offensive, but I do miss the days when men treated women with respect...

  13. I hate and detest swearing, in travel to Worcester Park, London Central, Woking etc and am amazed at the lack of vocabulary of men and their lack of intelligence and sophistication, even in my gym, swearing is used as a means of normal communication. I detest swearing and people who swear and think that where they are trying to appear big they are actually low life and sad people who cannot communicate effectively. It is both disgusting and primative in men and women and i don't swear, period!

  14. it basically depends on the person u are talking to if the women is ur friend then maybe if a coworker no and it depend on the situation and if mens can swear why cant women also if u want women to stop make the man stop to

  15. I am a girl and though I feel men and women should be treated equal, I hate the way it sounds coming from anyone's mouth but I feel it sounds even more unnatural coming from a female. In my opinion, someone who has to curse to express what they are feeling is someone with a small vocabulary. I don't curse, yet I am able to reveal when I am angry without any problems. People think they sound tough or it is getting out those feelings.... but it really just makes them sound uneducated.

  16. I'm not sure what you consider swearing.

    Oh my god , by god , and god d*** , where about the only swears I remember from my southern baptist rearing.

    Are you talking about curse words too ?

    I have tried for years to get a list of words that invoke curses ( like the plague ) , but I keep getting nothing.

    I would get behind a ban if it included sheesh , dang , darn , doo doo , and other words that try to circumvent the curse. Do you think god is fooled by this ?

  17. I believe that foul language makes a woman seem unhappy and masculine.

  18. I definitely think some people swear too much. Man/woman/boy/girl, I don't care, it just makes the person look like an idiot if they're saying something like "and this f****** girl, she was like a f****** s*** and then this c*** came in and I was like f*** this s***. f****** h*** man." I only swear when there is a reason to e.g. really annoyed about something, not in everyday conversation. I don't care if men / other women do the same.

    Oh, I try not to in front of children and my parents, sometimes failing with the latter :-(

  19. Y'know... a real woman swears a little bit. This isn't the 50's. A real woman can be VERY feminine and still have a choice, yet cuss like a sailor when it's appropriate. There are some women who've shocked me when they did it, but then again, when I found out WHY they cussed a blue streak, I understood.

    I'm still respectful towards women. I tip my Stetson to them (Yes, I'm Texan), I open doors for them (especially when their hands are full of packages, groceries or kids). I occaisionally will cuss in front of a woman, and when I do, there's no doubt that I'm Texan, or an Army Vet. I don't mind when a woman cusses. As a matter of fact, sometimes when a woman cusses, it's the only way to get things moving!

    Women's Lib? I don't see anything wrong with it.

  20. h**l I swear all the time , I never swear around kids though , I have a son myself and never swear around him , but I do try and keep it low if I am in the office he he

  21. i try not to swear just for the sake of the kid's around, but my sister really upsets me, as she will make very foul jokes, burp at the dinner table , f**t , etc ... but when i do it she gets really upset ... and tells me that i need jesus, and should stop acting so vile ...

    damned hypocrites, but she's been like this ever since we were kids.

  22. Sadly, I find that women swear just as frequently as men do.  I find it very unattractive when anyone is constantly swearing, but especially when it comes from other women.  A lot of men don't have a problem using the language around women, but women use it around men just the same.

  23. I hear everyday that people shouldn't curse, that it shows a lack of breeding, intelligence, and education. This concept always amuses me because people should not be "breed" like stock and I've yet to figure out why people think that educated and intelligent people should not curse. I could use words that no one else would understand and berate someone in polysyllabic terms but who would understand?


    You dysaniac driveler, I hope your coprolagniaic partner grows a choller.

    I could explain what all these words mean...they are actually quite amusing and disturbing, but that kinda takes the brunt out of the take down, doesn't it. People who curse do so because it is a common way for others to understand their displeasure/anger/sadness and the myriad of other emotions.

    Words are just a part of language, and are not inherently good or bad. Society puts boundaries on what they feel are good and bad behavior, and while this is normal, it should also recognize that behavior should be consistent for all genders.  It is neither discourteous, disrespectful or offensive to hear either gender swear, after all they are simply using common forms of language.

  24. i swear in front of anyone.. try not to in front of mom as much, but some slip out..

    and NO i dont find it offensive if a women swears, burps, farts, anything.. they are human as am i

  25. It is okay for a man to curse in front of a woman but totally unacceptable for a woman to curse in front of a man she doesn't know.

  26. I swear ALL THE F**KING TIME.  It's the stress

  27. Anyone who swears and find women swearing offensive is ridiculously sexist.

    I swear, but not at work, or in front of children, or the elderly.

    I swear in front of my boyfriend. I swear in front of my parents. I wouldn't swear in front of HIS parents though...

  28. Yes, I swear in front of them. h**l I cuss the wife my daily. I also don't find it offensive when a woman swears.

  29. Why is this question taken from the standpoint of "guys being less courteous"? Why are we villified?

    Your statement should say "Since women's lib, women wanted to be treated as equals so women now swear in front of men."


    Besides, who doesn't swear when they get stressed about something? Do you say "That gosh darn jerk!"?


    For the record, I don't swear in front of girls, but I really don't see what's "wrong" with swearing. If you judge someone based on some words they say, it seems pretty shallow.

  30. Guys swear in front of me all the time, and I swear back. It's GREAT.

  31. I swear in front of women and I find it offensive when women speak.
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