Why do women treat peope with curly hair different then people with say straight blond hair? I have been doing some observations. Like if you had curly hair women would rather walk behind you, as opposed to men with straight hair where they would walk in front, also women make more eye contact with men with straight hair, Like they want to be seen looking back.
How can I make curly hair more appeling to women?
I also believe women have a personality control over men....like I have noticed the differences between where people sit and how they interact on a bus(what else do I have to do on the way home), Where someone with some characteristics(not saying what) sit in the second row as opposed to the first, and it is a mojorty of people with these characteristics that I think women would say "They love"
And one more thing could you complete this chart for me? Once you see a couple of the words I am sure you could fill more in.