
Women are more choosy than men in dating?

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That's what I've been taught, and I think I can understand why, but how often do you think that's the case?

Also, how do you feel about it.

Sexism can enter the discussion.




  1. It's evolutionarily advantageous. Women can only have a limited number of kids, so who the father is matters significantly. Men can have as many kids as they want, so who their partner is is far less relevant. Geoff Miller has a truly outstanding book covering this and other issues of sexual psychology:

  2. Honestly; You are right.  But you are also wrong.

    Yes, it is undeniable; some women can be choosy.  That being said, there are many guys who can be very shallow as well.  I personally think that since every human being is different; it is safer to believe these things on a person-to-person basis rather than stereotyping a group in general.  The following paragraphs are mere speculations, being that I do not represent the entire female group, nor the male group at all.

    Some women want it all; good lucks, success, and wants to be fought for.  Other women, like myself, care about personality, though looks aren't a bad thing either.  The real thing that I look for is morals and honesty.

    That being said, there are many men will only date the women that they think are pretty enough.  Perhaps that is sexist though...

    The reason why I believe women may be a little more selective in the men they date, that is depending on the women, is because some women prefer a more solid relationship.  We look for guys that have the qualities that will hold strong throughout the relationship.  Guys, on the other hand, may think "What happens happens", but once again, I'm not a guy, so I don't really know.

    Another thing you must consider is the way the minds of males and females work.  Females have minds that are set to be more compassionate, that think about and worry about other people, and hormones that may cause us to become motherly, or overprotective.  Females also tend to be much more sensitive to their environment than males.  Perhaps it is a sexist statement, but females are much more complex in their thinking.  On the other hand, males tend to focus on what is in hand.  Males do not have the senses that females do; hence is why many males are colorblind, while it is unusual to find a colorblind female.  The point I'm trying to make is that males and females minds work differently.  Thus, when choosing a mate, we look for different things.  That being said, everyone is different, thus while one person has a list of things they want, another could just be happy with kindness.

    Good luck and I hope this answer helps!

  3. I think it is SOMETIMES the case because SOME boys are charged by testoserone and girls really really want to find love or something

    But then again i know this guy who will not date anyone under a certain standard (his standards are really high, he will only date someone it they are like one of the 10 hottests girls at our school) but he is mental and never gonna get a girl

  4. That is a sexism remark because it depends on the person not their gender some people are picky choosy with who they want to date and some just go for anything, So don't judge woman because their are alot of men who are friend choosy on who they date as well!!

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