Why do guys pay for everything when they meet a girl they like. It seem that men are brainwashed and stupid because women are taken advantage of old fashion dating rules putin place when women didnt have oppurtunities that they do Now to make money. Myself I have no problem taking my man out , surprising my man with a something he loves(no just s*x yall), and doing it consistently as long as my man reciprocates back the same way. I see alot of my girlfriend and women in general with better jobs but still expect the man to wine and dine them while they save there cash. Ladies even if you make less than ya man( Fyi- Im school teacher he a engineer) but you have a job you can still a reciprocate back, just do less expensive things as long as your showing that he's being respected and your genuinely in to him. Also what wrong with women taking out men and paying for the 2nd, 4th, 6th date ? I believe in equality in dating, men dont doormats women dont be selfish. What do you think ?