
Women are taken advantage of old fashion dating rules. Men and women to blame. What do u think ?

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Why do guys pay for everything when they meet a girl they like. It seem that men are brainwashed and stupid because women are taken advantage of old fashion dating rules putin place when women didnt have oppurtunities that they do Now to make money. Myself I have no problem taking my man out , surprising my man with a something he loves(no just s*x yall), and doing it consistently as long as my man reciprocates back the same way. I see alot of my girlfriend and women in general with better jobs but still expect the man to wine and dine them while they save there cash. Ladies even if you make less than ya man( Fyi- Im school teacher he a engineer) but you have a job you can still a reciprocate back, just do less expensive things as long as your showing that he's being respected and your genuinely in to him. Also what wrong with women taking out men and paying for the 2nd, 4th, 6th date ? I believe in equality in dating, men dont doormats women dont be selfish. What do you think ?




  1. This is a result of culture and tradition.

    Our would is a patriarical society. This means, in every culture on the face of the planet, males are the authority. Authority translates into responsibility.

    This is why we get men paying for the check- it is just the way humans work.

    Personally, I feel accepting the check is a sign of graciousness not gender. When I invite someone I pay and vice versa.

    So if it bothers you when you get stuck with obligations, speak up! Chances are your date is just following tradition.

  2. i am the provider in my family.

    how do ya like me now?


    EDIT: i had almost everything before i married him, so no biggie.

    oh, and my daughter will be growing up in a household where mommy supports the family... so if that's not teaching her that it's okay for a woman to pay [at least] sometimes, i don't know what would!

  3. You make alot of good points there, but I dont think it is ever going to change. I don't see women telling their daughters that it is ok to pay sometimes on dates, even if it is a situation like you talked about where the woman makes more than the man. Double standards are taking over this world.

  4. i think because women just want use there man these day and get them for what there worth

  5. I believe in equality in dating also, and i would like a woman who's independent minded and not looking for a meal ticket.

    That being said, i'm not getting any. So maybe that's not the best strategy, eh?

  6. Hm...I don't think I agree with you that the process is made to make anyone feel inferior.  I think it's human nature for each of us to WANT to take care of each other, and this is one of the ways that men show it.  For the most part, women take care of their men during the rest of the relationship!  

    On top of that, I don't think there are any rules (written or unwritten), that say it's inappropriate for the woman to take the man out, if that works for them.  

    There are all kinds of ways that couples deal with this type of thing these days.  What you consider the norm probably isn't, anymore.  

    Who pays for the date isn't necessarily a sign of respect.  It's often a sign of who earns more.

    I think you meant to say "Provider roles are so 1880's", 'cause they definitely weren't invented within the last 50 years.

    I am the sole financial provider in my household.  I dont' "help support the family" - I just support the family.

  7. You have good intentions and good ideas.  Wouldn't it be great if life worked that way?  Too bad more women didn't think like you.  On the contrary, it is women who are brainwashed.  :)

    The media is pushing them into a woman vs. men

    war of the genders.  

    I know it's hard to understand from a man's perspective.  But women have the vag*na.  That's a lot of power.  Men are not stupid, it's called nature.  We don't control women.  Women demand we pay for them.  How can you blame men?

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