
Women!! are there any circumstances in which you would sleep with an ugly man?

by  |  earlier

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How about if he was also much older than you?




  1. Yeah, If he was an amazing person and I was in love with him and he me and treated me well.

  2. There are. 1 condition. MONEY!

  3. Two circumstances...

    1.  She's desperate and the lights are off.

    2.  She's so attracted to him, it doesn't matter what he looks like.

  4. i only sleep with guys i truly love, which has been one guy so far =]

    anywho, i don't care about looks, they're a nice bonus, but they aren't what really matters.

  5. yes and no.  

  6. If he had a wonderful personality and the best s*x ever..... lol

  7. Probably like 4 cosmos or a few shots of vodka....

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