
Women can't be that weak, this woman gets shot on air and keeps reporting!?

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SHE WAS OK! Thank goodness!

She got shot at on air, from what you see it seems to have only hit her arm though she may have been shot in the leg as well from how she fell afterwards. After she is taken to the van she keeps on reporting regardless of the fact that she now has a bullet in her arm! (If you look you can see the entrance wound, at first it just looks like she got winged but if you look you can see where the bullet went in.).

I have to say, she doesn't look that tough but she's obviously tougher than she looks to keep on going after getting shot!

Here is the video:

To those who say women are weak and can't take pain, does this prove to you that your assumptions are wrong?




  1. Oh look, some straws, let me grasp furiously at them.

  2. In reference to another post. Tupac Shakur was shot again the following year and he didn't survive.

  3. The only thing it proves is that particular woman was fortunate enough because the bullet didn't go through her head or chest, and seeing that the wound was slight, keep reporting. You can't really praise her more than other fellow reporters which have to work under threats of bombs, shootings or suicide attacks in troubled countries.

  4. We aren't weak, we give birth remember? LOL!

    Frankly, I would have done the same thing she did without even thinking about it. I've always been a taking-care-of-business, picking-myself-up-and-dusting-myself-off type of girl. I think a lot of women are, much more so than they get credit for.

    I think the bullet just grazed her though.

  5. Oh, I suppose it's true that this case could be cited when some moron makes one of those "Women can't take it; anything bad, and they scream and faint, or run away."

    But then, those who insist all women are completely worthless except to make babies and clean house aren't amenable to trivialities such as reason and evidence.

    But the bigger point is that physical "strength" is just not the only human quality of any value. In this somewhat civilized society in which we live, brawn is just not the only or most important thing going.

    The idea that, on average, men can benchpress more than women just dosn't justify women not being allowed to vote, get educations, or do anything but be slaves to men.

  6. OUCH! She is awesome!

  7. Nah. She obviously got shot by a very tiny terrorist, and that 'wound' really wasn't more than a bruise with a little bit of blood. Or maybe she was reporting on some Middle Eastern paintballing?

    Just kidding! I'm very impressed at her professionalism, and I bet there are lots of guys who would have handled it with less composure.

  8. Burley!  The press is mightier than the bullet!

  9. it's not a matter of being strong is a matter of a miracle.As far as I know noone survives that type of thing unless God allows it.

  10. That takes a lot of perspecacity to take a hit and keep going, though I'm sure at the same time the adrenaline might have been enjoyable.  

    As an aside, Hi Victoria, it's been a while, good to see you still kicking around.  

    As a self-admitted rather indulgent person I will say, it's not actually about whether or not they are weaker, it's about that it is our role as the "male" to be the protectors so that they don't have to be put in harms way like this.  The idea is not to keep them weak, or treat or assume that they are, but to allow them to be so by taking care of them.  I'm talking about personal relationships where I will freely admit that I feel a duty and privelage to be the "tough" one so that women do not have to be.  But I'm certainly not going to say they aren't capable, I would just rather not have to put them in a situation where they need to be "tough".  If that means treating them like they are fragile, sorry, it's because no matter how tough someone is they still have a soft fragile side to them.  

    However, statistical tendency and biological studies I have come across generally suggest that men have a greater tendency to carry certain hormones that deal with things like pain in situations like this.  Things like testosterone and adrenaline are produced in greater quantities when not engaged with child rearing or birthing practices.  It's a combination of imprinted psychological and physiological tendencies.  The statistics of course do not make the rule.  

    Like I said, I, nor do I honestly believe their are many guys out that that would deny that women are tough.  Unless they are below the age of majority.  d**n tough, but personally, I don't want to create situations where they have to be.  If someone has to take the hit, I would rather it be a guy.  Though preferable to a guy comes noone at all, my reasoning is primarily emotional bias with slight backings in physiology and psychology.  But still emotional bias that I really have only so much excuse for beyond simple personal preference, and seems to produce positive results in my personal relationships, so I'm happy with this preference.  

    Sure this would be a proof of women can take pain.  

    The theory goes as follows, I posit that women cannot take pain.  Here we see an example of a women quite clearly taking pain, thus we have a contradiction, and by contradiction this proves that some women can take pain.  


    Though this seems to me a silly thing to prove, especially if anyone has heard of something called labour, or labour pain, why are we proving this?  

  11. I see what you are trying to say but from all I could find the bullet wasn't really in her it simply grazed her wrist.  For me amazing women are such as this women seen at the link here:

  12. If you notice it was just a scratch, yet she stopped reporting and had to showcase the scratch. I am not downplaying what happened, but just disagreeing with the impact of the story and how she is a feminist hero.

    You actually want to compare that with men whom jump an grenades to save their buddies life's?.  

  13. tupac took 5 bullets and was still alive. Compare to that!

  14. Small wound dear, My guess is a bullet fragment as 7.62mm is the common round in those parts.( a direct hit with an AK would have taken her hand off )

  15. It's commendable.It's not easy to keep up with what you're doing after the shock of being shot. Most people have never even been shot, so their opinions aren't worth much.

    Cue: tales of gunshot wounds...

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