
Women can change men. Do you believe that?

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It's all about the way you approach a guy. We tend to be more aggressive whenever we are confronted by women. And, often times, women can be very rude when confronting us.

Without kissing his ***, you can increase your chances of him considering many of your requests. He won't change everything but, he will be more receptive to a more friendly approach.

But trust me. You may think that being a ***** will work, and with some men it might. However most guys will begin to resent you eventually




  1. Personally I've always been a beautiful woman.  The kind of man I like is a kind and friendly man.  If a man approaches me and he's arrogant he has no chance of even conversating w/me let alone dating me.  I do realize that sometimes I may be the one missing out though because not all men show their true personalities when your meeting them but in the same respect where is being an *** going to get you reasonably w/any self-respecting woman meeting you for the first time.

  2. The only kind of man that can be changed by a women, is a weak man. A man who is not comfortable within himself. A gullible man. A real woman respects a strong man that is secure in himself. Sure, nobody is perfect and a woman may help a man realize some truly bad qualities that he may need to work on, and in that aspect, she can help him change. But only a weak man will completely change his whole identity.  

  3. Its not just women chaging a work both ways.  If you love the other person you want to make your companion happy so you do thing he/she enjoy doing and vise versa.  For example, my husband now did not eat out at resturant he thought it was a waist of money and since he  enjoys cooking he always ate at home. When we met I enjoyed eating out once in awhile to try different things and when my hubby relize that I enjoyed doing that he gave it a try just because he wanted to make me happy. Now we go out to eat at least twise a week. I too have changed, I never liked going to the the movie theaters becus I thought that was a waist of money...since in a couple of month you can see it on regular tv. But since my hubby enjoy watching movies I now enjoy going a long with him.  I personally think we people enjoy making our love ones happy and if we see or know what will make them happy then we will go the extra mile to do so.    

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