
Women can you answer this?

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I have a question for you women why is it that wehn you women wants to have fun tried to have fun with each other i noticed you dance with each sometimes even kissed each other are us males just plain pictures hanging on the wall?? just wondering...or you do it for attention maybe?




  1. ..what the h**l are you talking about?

  2. -I- do it because I'm attracted to girls. XD

    Straight girls do it.. well, for attention I guess. And its fun for them too I would imagine.

    Don't worry, if you speak better than you type, the women will eventually kiss and dance on you. ;)

  3. haah now way us girls juss like tht

    girls juss wanna have funn

  4. well i would never do that

  5. We want attention.

    Or.. we are drunk outta our brains !

  6. There is a bond between women that men can never even hope to understand. And it does NOT mean we are all bi-sexual!

  7. Umm, it's the connection. Y'know, the chemistry. In my opinion, when two people are in love, the whole world fades into the backdrop and the only person you see is the person you love. It's just natural. Or sometimes, some women likes to be touchy and likes to dance. Idk. Are you talking about specifically g*y women or straight women as well?

  8. its something girls have which boys dont

  9. if straight women are kissing each other then they just basically do it for attention or subtly trying to find out if they're straight or not . Bisexuals and lesbians do this for intimacy.

  10. Women have tight bonds that men can't begin to understand. It's natural for us to be physically close.

  11. Us girls can get away with doing these things, ye because of our tights bonds but it's also more socially accepted for women. If two guys dancing together started kissing and mucking about on the dancefloor i doubt everyone in the room would find it funny.

    PLUS we like to have fun man. Honestly i believe thiers abit of bi-curiosity in every female..... XD


  12. because we like it.  

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