
Women covering thier faces?

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Ok do the women who cover their faces all except for their eyes, are they Muslim? My 5 year old asked me why this one woman was holding her cover up over her nose, I said, IDK, maybe somebody I didnt feel like getting into it. Do they actually beleive they are so deplorable, that God wants what he created covered completley because it is so shameful?




  1. Most Muslim women believe they are "gems" and that they have to "take care of themselves." They also believe they establish a "respect barrier" by covering themselves (whatever that means). At least that is what I have heard.

  2. I will not answer your question directly, but i will just request you one thing, go and search for Rape and molestation statistics in muslim nations and compare it with non muslim nations.

  3. It is a modesty thing.

    Compare it to Western culture's dress lengths. It used to be that if a woman showed her ankles it was tantamount to walking around naked.

    It is out modded and only really works if they stay in the isolated theocracies where everybody does it. Once they start mixing with other cultures that do not follow the same standards thing get messed up.

    That is a large part of the tension between the West and the Middle East. They are used to being isolated and allowed to do their own thing, but now they are sharing with very different cultures.

    It is even worse when they move to other countries. Not only are they a cultural minority, but their desert customs become detrimental to the new environment.

  4. It's a Muslim thing and if that's what their religion asks for, that's what they do. It's not about being deplorable or shameful. Rather they just have different beliefs than you do.

    How would you feel if a Muslim kid asked his mother "why are all those co-ed chicks showing off their bOObies and drinking alcohol on spring break?" Chances are those people wouldn't appreciate that because it's an insult on their behaviour and culture.

    EDIT i mentioned Spring Break behaviour so those people whom it applies to, can see how religion is a 2-way street. (There are two sides to every story)

  5. It is the commandment of God to cover the entire body for Muslim woman except her hands and face . In some countries, it is thought that it is necessary to cover face as well, like saudia There is nothing shameless in it. If a christian nun covers her body. it is recommended and if a Muslim woman abide by the commandments of her rekigion, itis shameful? . Is it justice. Is it necessary that a woman shall look to be an attractive public property in minis.Think if u have wisdom.

  6. Based on some reading I've been doing, women cover up that way in Islamic society because the men are afraid that the sight of a pretty woman would lead them to sin.  I.e. Islamic men are into self-denial and dragging Islamic women down with them.

    I wish I were kidding, but I'm not.  As recently as last year I read some articles in Time Magazine (if I recall correctly) about a young woman put to death because she had dared go out bare-faced.  Four men RAPED her, then when she accused them, SHE was convicted of enticing the men and put to death for a morals violation.

    Now THAT is shameful.  Islamic men who believe that women can induce you to sin:  Sin is inside of you, not externalized in women.  If you can't keep it in your pants, you obviously haven't learned self-control.  So OF COURSE you blame women for your own weakness.

  7. Basically Its Their Religion . They are led to believe Men are way more important than them and they shouldn't show there faces to anyone but their God or husband . Its like us showing our body to the man we love . we won't show to anyone. Unless you a stripper.....

  8. It is a Muslim thing, generally, and sometimes a cultural thing (if you were walking around where it's really dusty, you'd want something covering your nose and mouth too).

    It's to do with modesty, spirituality, focusing people's attentions on your words and actions rather than your appearance...there are tons of reasons behind hijab, very few of them being that they think their appearance is deplorable.

    The Veil is a very interesting book that talks more about it (across religions & cultures ...why do people always forget Christian veiling?)

  9. they do it so that they should not be beautiful to men other than their husbands. my husbands grandmother was Jewish and the day she married she shaved her head and wore a wig for the same reason.

  10. Its the way they are raised and taught as a religion. They feel that their husbands are so much higher than they are. And they don't show their face or body because of the modesty factor of it. Now, my sons Dr. When they first started here. lol. His wife was that way, now she just wears beautiful outfits of silk, but she is his boss and well, no more face covering. They just came back from Egypt, wonder what their family thinks of them now. He is a great Dr.  

  11. yea they are muslim

    haha someone farted..that's cute

  12. Mostly, Its Muslim women who wear the entire face cover as it is believed that it is wrong for a woman to show her body off and they are encouraged to do so.

    Personally, i don't agree with it. Religion or not. Its a security risk.

  13. in their religion its forbbiden to show skin in public my mother lived in Turkey and she said she seen some ladies scarf thinggy fall off and her husband beat her right there in  front of everyone and yeah pretty sure its muslum

  14. 'maybe' their men like little boys sooo much, they make their women cover up so when they have them bend over, the men can image it the way they REALLY want it...

    But that is a ridiculous thought...

    I really think it must be another reason ;)

  15. I don't think they find themselves deplorable, they just want to hide their beauty so that they don't arouse all the men who see them.  Though they've taken it too far, a little conservative dress on women today would be refreshing.

  16. From what SOME  of them here on R&S and over in the Ramadan section have said, they think:

    They need to be protected (which is not true)

    No one will ever look at them sexually (which is not true)

    People will see the real person and not just their looks (which is not true)

    Prevents rape (which is not true)

    The Koran demands it (which is not true)

  17. It is almost as bad as if somebody farted.

    The believe that their beauty is an evil distraction to men that are trying to concentrate on G-d, and not be distracted by lust.

    In my opinion if they were fully naked in about a month nobody on earth would even be looking.

    People only try to look at what they can not see.

    When is the last time you really noticed another persons hands. I think that proves the point.

  18. The reason some Muslim cultures believe that women's faces (and bodies) should be covered is so that men will not be tempted by female beauty and then commit acts of violence or lust upon them which go against Muslim law.

    It is similar to the way OUR culture seems to think it's ok for men to go bare-chested, but if a woman flashes a breast during a football game it's a horribly dangerous spectacle that could HARM THE CHILDREN!

    Why do we force our women to cover up more than men do? Why? Because of sexual fear and repression. Same as in Islam, just to a different degree.

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