
Women do you ever ask your self what don't we rape guys?

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please don't report me I'm be serious for once my friend Josh came over and was telling me when he was researching for a paper for psychology and He came across this article about this women. She had been gang raped as teen She wanted revage so she started working out and taking fighting lessons. She started stalking kidnapping and sodomize men. A lot of the victoms did not tell anyone so she got away with a lot of them. One guy came foward and She was charged and her house was searched they found a room where She was holding the men. She is not in jail but a state hospital why if she is a rapeiset why is she not in jail and women would you do this.




  1. The girl in your story sounds like she is a victim that snapped and even some men have been thrown in the ward as opposed to prison.  They are still locked up so what does it matter.  It is sad what she did and I am glad a man was willing to stand up and fight; its very rare.  I always say that statistics are off because men do not stand up and fight but go on with their lives and then hate all women.  How do we know there is a problem if men keep the dirty little secret?

    No I would never do it; I don't think anyone should.  As a feminist I would also like to say that the guy who says feminist think all s*x is rape is the reason some men and some women don't get a long in the first place.  Who is he to say what we think?

  2. She is not in jail because she is a "victim" and not held responsible for her behavior.  If she were a man, rest assured, she would be imprisoned.....and dear God, no!  I would never do this!

  3. This is the wave of the near future.  As women gain more legal power and become more aggressive, the raping of men by female gangs will occur.  

    If a man asked this question (guys do you ever ask yourself what don't we rape women) it would be deleted in a nano second.  Because you are a woman, you are privileged.

  4. Rape, in most states does not have to mean penetration...that's a tidbit for the people who think that it is impossible to rape a man.  Rape many times, can be done with an object that is not connected to your body, it matters where it goes in their body.  as for the woman in this scenario going to a mental hospital instead of jail, many rapists and murderers end up in mental hospitals if they are found to be insane.  Most don't.

  5. ::clears throat:: if any women want to try this... email me... LOL jk.  Seriously though, it's a double standard.  Just like the woman near where I live (Texas), I think her name was Andrea Yates, who drowned her 3 kids, and was found not guilty by reason of insanity.  If it was a man, he would have gotten the death penalty here in Texas.

  6. Girls cannot even rape guys unless they use a gun or something..

    Tell me just ONE case about a woman raping a's impossible.

    That woman you mention was just agressive not rapist.

  7. I think that is urban legend.

    Women don't rape, because it is a very impractical method of getting revenge on a man.  Women are not as aggressive as men, and do not confuse s*x with violence.

    Perhaps because so many women ARE raped, they have a greater sensitivity to the revulsion of the act.  I think it would be almost as degrading and repulsive to rape a man as to be raped.

    It would be interesting to consider putting all rapist in mental homes, since it is more than a crime.  It is a mental illness.

  8. BTW the first victim in all crimes is the perpetrator. Not just when the perpetrator is female. Only people sympathize with women (quite) a bit more, while punishing men for the same behaviour. I call it the "compassion" gap.

  9. Of course I wouldn't, and I'll tell you why: I'm not insane.

  10. the physical advantage for men Vs women ratio is in general high.... (not all, but MOST men are stronger than women)

    so its a disadvantage when trying to rape a man...

    i think the fact they put her in a hospital instead of jail is extremely stupid, its as if its really hard for them to accept the fact female raped a man.

  11. Well, to whomever posted first, yes, originally she was a victim, but later became a perpetrator, so the fact that she was ONCE a victim does not nullify the fact that she began comitting crimes. Just like adults who were victims of child abuse. Does the fact that they were victims as children negate the fact that they began abusing their own children or even others? It's an explanation, not a justification. She needs help, just as male rapists need help, but she should be imprisoned while she is getting that help. And women can rape men. Have you ever seen "Single While Female"? Women can catch men off guard and restrain them the same way men catch women off guard and restrain them. Most likely it is date rape because I can't see a woman jumping out of a dark alley and over taking a man, but male rape can and absolutely does happen.

    Of course I would not rape a man. It's vile, disgusting, illegal and if I would not condone female rape, why would I condone male rape?

  12. I don't know, but I think it would be the bee's knees if a girl came up to me and wanted to mollest me. GO FOR IT!

  13. it dosnt seem like ti would be possible for a woman to rape a man

    he wouldnt get hard unless he wanted s*x?

    unless she force fed him viagra or something

  14. Of course she should be put in jail. Rape is rape. It doesn't matter what happened before, she's a rapist whether she was raped as a teenager or not. Sexism is beginning to take a turn in the other direction; before men considered themselves superior to women, but now women are penalizing men for everything. Just because generally women don't rape men, it doesn't mean that when a woman does rape a man it should't count.

  15. Aggression and violence in men is linked to testosterone, which women have lower amounts of.

    Some women are still capable of sexual crimes though and they should receive the same jail sentence as a man would, but the law often seems to perceive women as the victims.

    And no, of course I wouldn't!

  16. you see, she wanted a revenge on that guy. too bad, when she was about it, he fights her back. therefore, beginning from her who's supposed to settle him down, it ended up as a struggle between him and her. the other guy came at the very right time when she was holding that man. but too bad, as it wasn't just her who do all the punchings and kickings, therefore wounds and bruises were also evident on her body. guess what? women's words are more worthy to concern that then her act was taken as a defend and it was the man who got charged for an abuse attempt. in the end, he got into jail and the girl was sent to a state hospital for psychological help in overcoming trauma. life's good, eh?

  17. My best friend was threatened by her fiancee's parents that they were going to report her for statutory rape because she was 18 and he was 17. Even though he was the one pushing her to have s*x with him. The stupid thing about it is that she was an innocent homeschooled girl who is fully deaf and he was a spoiled punk black-wanna-be who initiated it in the first place. She got pregnant and they are still married. He is still the same.

  18. Rape isn't about s*x, it's about violence. I'm not a violent or insane person... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I coerced someone into s*x.

  19. why would I in God's name wish to put an innocent person through the same h**l i went through?

    this is something i could never fathom..

    I have talked to men who are pedophiles who claim they are like that because the same thing happened to them as children!

    Why...why do they not break the cycle? why do they put someone through that same pain and degradation?

    In my opinion...the girl should be in jail...what she did was pre thought out..but..because of her past...she should still be in a program to help her cope with what happened.

    I would feel this way about either gender..

    I do feel awful that she was gangraped as a teenager..Poor thing.

    But to purposely put innocent men through what she went through was very wrong.

  20. Why rape a man for s*x when you can just wear a miniskirt and be raped.

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