
Women do you have the "tendency to cause trouble"?

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symptoms including faintness, nervousness, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in abdomen, muscle spasm, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or s*x, and a "tendency to cause trouble".

You might be suffering from Female Hysteria! AKA go get some!




  1. i thought that is a women is all the time

  2. Yes, these are common (pathologic) symptoms exhibited by some sects of women.

  3. I guess I "cause trouble" once a month. Does that mean I can plead insanity and not go to work?

  4. Please allow me to be of service.  :)

    Actually, in the NEJM I read that  "faintness, nervousness, insomnia, fluid retention, heaviness in abdomen, muscle spasm, shortness of breath, irritability, loss of appetite for food or s*x, and a "tendency to cause trouble"" are all symptoms of HUSBAND,-DOTHE-d**n-DISHES -itis.  It's a common condition, especially in progressive societies.

  5. Ha ha ha!

    "In America, such disorders in women reaffirmed that the United States was on par with Europe; one American physician expressed pleasure that the country was ”catching up” to Europe in the prevalence of hysteria."

    Well, got to keep up with the Joneses, eh?  Isn't it amazing that male o****m is taken for a given, yet so strangely and weirdly ignored in women?  Surely you would have thought it only took a few women to do the 'when harry met sally' scene for ideas to catch on?  But very funny though :-)

  6. I love to stir up trouble when trouble is warranted.

  7. I thought you were talking about PMS.

  8. I like that the cure was masturbation by a doctor. "You're looking a bit peaked, ma'am, let me manually manipulate your genitals, that should do the trick."

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