
Women do you prefer strong men who know their own minds, or the 'Andrex man' soft & goes on & on?

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What about the feminised ones that always try to be reasonable, and come across as middle of the road, always love to use the word “generalization”

Do you find them s**y? Appealing?




  1. I don't generally date something I wipe my ars£ on

  2. This is some sort of machination of post-modern feminism.  I can't even decipher these notions.  Men are human beings, and they shouldn't be pigeon-holed into some category.  There's no standard by which men should be judged.  It's entirely subjective and no formal basis can be made to determine which men are proper and which are not.  You are making flawed assumptions regarding the complexity of the male gender.

    There are so many permutations of human behaviour that it's sensesless to speak about a "particular type of man."  This is tantamount to assuming men are like toasters; we are not, we are human beings and are capable of any number of emotions and behavioural characteristics.

  3. A man who knows his own mind is a must but at the same time he must also have a soft side and be reasonalble otherwise he would probably be an ape.

    Variety is the spice of life afterall.

  4. I'm strong-minded, so I want a strong-minded man; one who can keep the fires burning.  A man who has the air to blow on the fire, yet able to keep the fire at bay.

  5. If I could just come straight to the point and to be perfectly frank generally speaking.  There is something that I really want say if only I could express my self.  What was the question again?  

  6. If a guy is soft, how can he go "on and on?"

    A reasonable man isn't feminized.  You obviously haven't heard that reason is an exclusively male characteristic.  LOL

  7. I'd definitely prefer a strong and decisive man who can take the lead and is confident in his choices. But he has to have a compassionate side too, and respect the opinions of others. I couldn't be with someone who was too extreme either way.  

  8. Isn't Andrex supposed to be "soft, strong and very long"? Many women are drawn to that.

  9. Definitely the strong one who always knows his own mind.  I have no use for Andrex men at all.  As for the feminised ones, I wouldn't touch them with a bargepole.

  10. A strong, dominant alpha man who is tender w/ me.

  11. I prefer a man who is reasonable because they are easier to work with. I prefer for them to listen to me, but also make some decisions.

  12. If being reasonable is "feminised" then I'll have to say I prefer "feminised" men. :-P  I do so enjoy having rational conversations.

  13. A BIT of both to be honest, i dont want some neaderthal type but at the same time, i dont want a wet rag

  14. The woman I'm with finds Andrex men thoroughly unappealing. She is a strong-willed individual who knows what she likes, and that's a man who is firmly in control of her. She would be *appalled* if I let her have the upper hand.

  15. I just wanna slap ‘em up side their stupid head

    Soon as they open their trap

    Give me a man who has guts, even if he is on the wrong track any day

  16. I like lots of different kinds of men.  I don't think when a man tries to be reasonable he's 'feminised' - I actually think of that as a very masculine quality.  

    I think men are more complex than most people seem to acknowledge.  Most men have a combination of manly strength and a bit of vulnerability.

    In general I prefer men who are honest and compassionate, whatever kind of men they are in other respects.

  17. I prefer strong, reasonable, middle-of-the-road men who know their own minds.

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