
Women: do you prefer to have guys order your food?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to a female friend of mine, who told me she really like it when a guy ordered her food for her... without even consulting her! Now I'm talking about a formal dining establishment, not fast food.

I was floored, I wouldn't want someone else ordering my food without knowing what I like. I then proceeded to ask her what if she didn't like what he ordered her... and she said should would eat it anyway.

Women, is this common? Do you have any preference for your date ordering?




  1. I think it would be  very romantic on occasion .

  2. i wouldn't mind my husband give me suggestions, but i would not like it if he ordered without asking/tellling me.

  3. Let your date order her own food.  Trust me on this one dude.

  4. I would order it with him!!

  5. The only person I would like order for me is my boyfriend..and maybe my sister b/c they always know what I like but that doesn't mean I'm in the mood for it at that particular time. I would hate to have someone else order for me, I'm pretty picky and mostly b/c I have to be in the right "mood" for something,  you know?

  6. if you are really close or married then this is ok but until you can read each other well NO

  7. I only want a guy to order my food if I asked him to beforehand (usually because I don't know the cuisine, or because it's a restaurant with which he's way more familiar than I am).  Another circumstance would be if I looked at the menu and was flabbergasted by the prices and he was buying...I'd say, "Hey, order for both of us, OK?"  

    It used to be very traditional/old-fashioned for the woman to let the man order for her, but this assumed some pre-dinner conversation and the guy was paying 100%.  You can see how this made gave the guy/person paying the check a way to work things out financially without his credit card being maxxed out!!

  8. I've never had this happen to me, but I think I would actually like it if the guy took control and ordered my food for me. As long as he knew about any food allergies or food I didn't like, then it would be fine. If I didn't like what he ordered me, I would just have them take it back and order something else.

  9. I would let a man order/recommend meal choices for me if he's more familiar with the restaurant or cuisine than I am.. Other than that, its only polite you ask your date for a recommendation of what she likes to eat and vice versa!


  10. I think if the guy knows what I want then sure, he can order but it better be something yummy that I will enjoy, especially if its foreign food that I have never tried before and he has.

  11. I have never had a date order for me.  I find that odd.  I can order myself, but he can still hold the door for me.

  12. My husband sometimes does this for me, but only after we've discussed what we both want to eat.  He does not make my selection for me.  I think this probably started when we had small children and usually by the time the waitress came back to take our orders, I was busy digging crayons out of my purse or prying salt and pepper shakers out of a toddler's hand and since my attention was occupied elsewhere, he'd just place our orders with the waiter or waitress.  It doesn't bother me at all.

  13. You should ask the girl.

    I personally don't mind, unless you buy me a Happy Meal or something tiny.

    Cause i mean, i like to eat, and dont want a man telling me what i can, and willl eat.




  14. I would insist on ordering my own food.  I am very picky.

  15. what this is news to me

    ya i dont want someone ordering me food

  16. She just wants the attention and thinks the man is being a gentalmen.  I personally hate it.  I can understand if the couple has been dating for years and they know what each other likes, but otherwise give me some space and let me choose.  I would say 1 out of 100 would like men to order their food.

  17. You should definitely ask the girl if you can order for her first and if you do then you better know what you're doing.

  18. yep i sure do

  19. I like to eat what I know I WILL eat (and my husband knows better than to try to order for me.... I might change my mind 20 times before I decide on what I will have). I like alot of different foods so it just depends on what sounds best to me at the time when I go out. When dating I don't think it ever occured to me to let someone order for me, I would just go right ahead with what I wanted. I think some women might like someone to order for them but I know my own likes and I know my own tastes better than anyone else and I would rather order FOR myself thank you.

  20. Uh, no! I am way too controlling for that.

  21. yes, as I  want to be fair to him and not make him  overspend , at the same time you can see  how far he would go with you ?

    then you can decide on the " desert " ?

  22. You should let your date order her own food...unless you know her well enough to know what she likes and dislikes.

  23. My cousin and I have a rule when we go out with our spouses, we choose the food for ourselves and them, as they get to eat what we don't eat anyway. So our spouses say "what do I feel like tonight", knowing all too well they will be eating most of the food anyway.

    We usually share all the food, just for variety, doesn't matter whether it is fancy or just Chinese. we usually discuss what each feels like eating knowing it will all be shared. But no, I wouldn't let my husband order for me, unless I have told him what I would like prior to ordering.

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