
Women do you resent your mothers?

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Now I know many of you hate the idea of being a mother. So my question is do you feel your mom wasted her life raising you?




  1. No way! I love my mom!

  2. I feel sorry for my mother.  She was horribly crushed by sexism.  She was a great spirit like an eagle living in a world diseased by worms and moths that ate away at her wings and she floundered in the pestilence all the while possessing some deep and profound honor within herself of doing no harm to others.  That is a problem with women of my generation still, that tolerance of those who would do us harm.  I resented her always for not shaking off the worms and moths but now I know that wasn't her fault at all.  Now I know it was the worms and moths that harmed her, not her own decisions within the limitations and repressions of the pestilence, and I honor my mother by not making the same mistake she made of tolerating or caring about those who mean me or others wrong. She was most proud of me and my visions of flight.

  3. I don't feel she waisted her life raising me. But I think she ruined mine. That's why I stay as far away from her as possible. And no, I don't hate the idea of being a mother, but I do know I'll be a better one than I have.

  4. my mom was too busy abusing us mentally and phyically but she couldn't help it as she had to deal with my dad's adulterious actions. I learn from all that towards my son. I give him all the love and affection and he hates it at times. My son is 23 so he feels I over protect him. I do. He's my only child. We learn from our parents no matter what others feel or think.

  5. I LOVE being a mother. OK now that is out of the way.

    My Mom just the other day told me she HATED me and always did.

    now I always thought she did but hearing her say those words was hard.

    Do i think she wasted her life rasing me YES I do. she even told me she didn't want to be my mom..

    At least she has made me want to be a better parent I will never put my child through what i went through. but you know what I still LOVE my mom I LOVE her and one day maybe we can make peace with each other at least I pray that will happen.

    I am happy to read that some had good relationships with thier mom's that's great. I am glad you had a good relationship. God Bless

  6. My mom always wanted to be a mother, so no, she didn't waste HER life. (She's also a teacher, by the way. She went back to school when I was nine years old.) But I would waste mine if I followed in those footsteps.

  7. No, I don't think my mother wasted her life raising me and my brother.  She seemed to me to have quite a pleasant life, she had lots of interests and the lesiure to pursue them and she didn't wear herself out 'juggling'.  And she wasn't one of these feeble women who can't think of anything to occupy their time other than working.

  8. There's not many that hate the idea of being a mother. I don't want children, but the reason is that I think that like mine, a mother should put 100% effort and care into the job. But  I don't like kids that much and I'm hedonistic so I don't want to do it.

    I'm in awe, there's not way I could do such a tough job.

  9. no i dont feel that, i think she wasted a good portion of MY life by raising me. as soon as my younger sister was born, i was immediately pushed aside and labelled the 'failure child'. she still continues to neglect me and constantly ignores me, while praising my younger sister and paying alot more attention to her.

    she blames me for everything, including things that my sister has done, and doesnt praise me for anything ive worked hard for and doesnt even look at me when i say something to her.

    at one point in my life, i had such a cold and distant relationship with her that it felt more comfortable saying she wasnt my mother more than saying she was.

    mothers dont actually realise the effect that neglect has on a young child, i spent a majority of my life thinking i was never good enough and to this day i have to please people in order to obtain personal happiness.

  10. Not at all. I love her very much. Just as I love my father. Neither of them 'wasted' their lives by raising me. They certainly made sacrifices, but that was their choice.

    Just as it is my choice to not be a mother, at this time anyway. I might change my mind in five years time, who knows. I certainly don't hate the idea of motherhood. It's just a question of choices and, having spent years saving up money to go to university and then years AT university, I feel I owe it to myself to do the best I can in my chosen field. Motherhood would be too distracting. Plus I'm very content with my life at the moment and if it isn't broken, why should I try to fix it?

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