
Women do you think you could be emotionally able to support children AND stay at home husband financially?

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truly reversing traditional gender roles ?




  1. Hey ... if the goin' gets tough, and that's what we had to do, then I would have to GET emotionally able real quick!  We both work now though; and most likely always will.

  2. Will I grow a d*ck and will he carry the baby?

  3. In the UK loads of people do that already. I think it would be an easier job to be the bread winner.

  4. I DID. I DO.  Husband got hit by a drunk three days after we were married, crushed his spine in three places, and I ran the second largest hog producing farm in the state until he learned how to walk again and then we always worked together after that, me doing the harder physical stuff, him doing most of the phone work.  We raised fine children, too.  These days, it's five old gentlemen who are my family and they take care of my homes completely, cook, drive me around, travel with me, make sure I eat right, everything, so that I can do what I do as part of the family to bring cash in.  I love the arrangement and their company (and their cooking). I am most excellent as a SAHM but it just never worked out in the traditional way for me due to circumstances.  That's ok.  I couldn't have ever stayed put too much, stuck in a house all day as though that was any kind of life.  Because I was so strong and self-sufficient, our children and the men I love have never and will never go without or suffer.

  5. Nope...

    My job is to stay home with the kids while my husband works.

    Thats what he is supposed to do.

    I am supposed to stay home with the kids and make cookies, clean, and cook dinner

    Except in a case like patois'

  6. No.  I would feel bad that I was not the one staying home with my children.

  7. i make more money than my partner already. we both take care of our son. i would love for him to be able to stay home and yes, i could handle it. he would have the harder job being a SAHD.

  8. It's very tiring because unlike men when they are the ones out there being the bread winners, women still have to come home and deal with kids. We can't tune out and tell him not tonight my well is running dry. I like the idea of someone staying home with the kids, either you are him. It's best for the kids. He just has to know what's expected of him. He has to be able to cook, clean, laundry and on the weekends it's all about him. You have to still respect that man for being a man, just know that you are the one making things happen. He should in turn respect that as well.

    I suppose it all boils down to RESPECT

    NOTE: Rio, my son doesn't want kids or a wife. He's not g*y, he says that he is too selfish and wants to spend his life making himself happy. Perhaps he'll change, perhaps he won't. That is something I had to get over, not him.

  9. I've done it for the last nine months and guess what? He's still the man and I'm still his lady.

  10. I know some women already doing this.  

    It would not work for me given the educational decisions I made.

  11. I'm not emotionally able to bear children or get married, so no. But if a man and a woman wanted to completely reverse gender roles in their relationship, it's nobody's business but theirs.

    EDIT: I already did. They don't like that I don't want to be a wife or mother, but they've accepted it.

  12. Yeah, why not?

  13. Yes I can and I have. I make about $60,000 on my regular job. And my side job, posing nude I make about $9,000 per pose. The poses are then sold to stores and people buy them. So yes emotionally I can. And no I am not ashame of people seeing my nude art. I have a great body and I like to show it in art. My husband doesn't work.

    EDIT: I didn't know I blocked you Cassius. I'll remove it.

    EDIT: EDIT: I know you didn't but I would like for you to answer my question.;...

  14. What do you mean emotionally able? That doesn't make much sense.

    And yes, I could support my partner (since I will most likely make more money than him after I graduate). But, even if I could support kids I don't want any.

  15. I'm in college now, and either way, would be fine with me even though I don't have kids...(whether I work or no.)

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