
Women -do you want a bell and cuttlefish with that?

by  |  earlier

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I was on a train, in the corridor section by the door, where I was making sure my bicycle didnt get pinched (it has been once before!). At one station, a young woman got on, but didnt go into the seating area. Instead she stood nearby and spent the whole journey just posing and looking at her reflection in the window!

Now I know youre women and all that, but come on! What IS this self-fascination? Sometimes you act like my friends pet budgie. As well as a very big mirror, are you sure you dont want a little bell to ring, and maybe a piece of cuttlefish to chew on too? Ding-Ding!




  1. Please stop comparing budgies to women......

    ... they can't help being dumb birds.........

                    budgies I mean.

    Maybe the mirror girl was keeping lookout for her mate that was trying to steal your new bike.

    Food for thought

  2. Hey, not all of us are like that you know!!  I know what you mean though - some woman are like that and it probably is down to societies perception of how woman should be, as portrayed in the media, TV etc...

  3. Insecurity believe it or not.  We are judged on our appearance, far more than men are, and are taught to be aware of it from a very early age.

    Why are men obsessed with cars, *enis and wallet size ? Insecurity, again.

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