Question: do you feel about McCain's choice for running mate?

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With Palin as his choice I have asked several females what they think of the latest decision of McCain's. Several have said they felt insulted for different reasons. Just wondering what other women's opinions are.




  1. I'd rather have someone with some experience running the country when the old guy drops dead...

  2. Slap in the face. If McCain felt he had to pick a woman, why didn't he find one with serious experience. He is putting America at risk if he thinks she has the experience to be Commander-in Chief much less an international representative of the US.  

  3. We are insulted because he thinks Hillary supporters are so stupid that we would vote for a right wing women just because she is a female.  And trust me this one is about as right wing as you can get.  Check out who she has backed in other elections?  I don't know what goes on up there in Alaska but I for one have more common sense than vote based on gender and feel insulted that someone would think that I would.

  4. I don't know yet because I didn't know she existed before today.   I don't even know her.

    I do wonder why other women would be insulted.

    I am not insulted - I just don't know anything much about her yet.

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