
Women in humid area are very cold and passive and very passionate and sensual in dry areas...why is this?

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like women in humid envirements are less sexual and the one's in dry places are alot more "eager".




  1. Not true!  Well at least where I live.  I live in a hot, humid, tropical city in Australia, and the bedroom activity resmembles the climate.

  2. that is a ridiculous statement and entirely untrue and has no basis in fact, just belief.

  3. Definitely stereotypical, and certainly false.

    Latin American countries are hot and humid, and there's the stereotype of the "latin woman" as a kind of woman almost unmatched in sensuality.

    Maybe they just don't like you?  :-D

  4. It's because no one wants to have s*x in cold weather.

  5. I never heard that stereotype before. In fact the stereotype is usually the opposite of the way you think it is. Besides there isn't much truth in it either way.

  6. hheheh this classification reminds me that of Montesqieu's... who lived in 18th century!!

    He also claimed that climate influence the nature of the society. So according to him, people living in warm countries are hot tempered and the ones living in northern countries are stiff. He also claimed that some climates are superior to others and the climate of France is the ideal one. (This explains the whole french kiss stuff, right?? hehehe)

    However I highly doubt whether he EVER visited any other place on earth than a couple of european cities!

    It is really funny to see that these kind of classifications according to the climates still exist in 21st century!

    I really wonder how the fact of "global warming" effect this really out of fashion classification...

  7. Haven't been to Bolivia or Brazil in a while, have you?

  8. Not a very educated question.

    Not an accurate observation.

    Not an even remotely valid stereotype.

    Three strikes and your "outta there!"

    Rephrase the question Einstein.

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