
Women is it possible for a woman who has a young child, a growing baby boy?

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And is an extremist feminist, who claim to hate men with a passion to still love and care for her boy

I ask because I have a neighbour who is in this situation, she is a very attractive woman, with a young son, she says that she is a feminist and is vocal in her loathing for all men

I wonder how the ideology sits with rearing a boy, whilst hating men?

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Please give only YOUR serious considered answers to this!!

NUTTERS, TROLL'S & HATERS keep your thoughts & comments to yourself it is not needed




  1. Well, obviously she had s*x with a man recently if she had a baby.

    Sounds to me like one of those "burned and bitter" types who blame the failure of a bad relationship on every member of the gender in question. I doubt she will transfer her anger to her child physically, but she won't do his emotional development a favor by bringing him up around her hatred. I hope she gets therapy for her issues.

  2. well its funnny you should ask cause one of my guy friends james, his mother is an EXTREME feminest and i realised this when me and my twin sister went over to his house and were watchin this t.v show about feminest.. and she was agreeing with everything and even admitted to it... The thing that i find sad is that james is the one that HAS suffered from it.. i mean he is a complete pushover and alot of girls totally take advantage of him... he has no backbone and he lets women walk all over him.... and this is what i have noticed threw observation..  i mean i never took advantage of him like that and i keep on telling him to stand up for himself and to not let girls treat him like that by taking advantage of him.. (buying them stuff, letting them push him around etc..) but he doenst do anything about it..  and his mother is DEFINATLY to blame.. (no offence)

    honestly i dont thing the mother is doing her son any favor by pushing her hatred mentality about men towards her son.. if anything its gonna turn him into a james clone.. total pushover with no back bone (srry james lol)

  3. This women is either very ignorant or just very bitter. The way a women feels about her child is nothing but unconditional love (in most cases).

    It's c**p and you should point that out to her. Obviously she had s*x with a man if she had a child, so she can't hate them that much.

    Feminist do not go around speaking about their extreme loathing of men, regardless of what you may think.

  4. In this situation there will be issues in the future. Young children learn the basis for respect, love and hate. Unknowingly she is already sowing seeds of the hate that she feels towards the male populace (she must have been seriously burned!), as the child grows older there could be the issue that a. He realises that he is a boy/ man and that his mom actually hates him for it - talk about feeling unloved - she will probably loose her son at this stage - suicide being an option or b. he knows that she hates men and in turn he starts hating all women- she will loose him then too but maybe this time she will find out how bad men can treat women through her son's eyes, maybe if she is lucky she will not live to see that day. As a mom I hope she realises that she needs to have a balanced view and allow the child enough individuality and have a thirst for learning to make them question the world around them and make their own conclusions.

  5. In my experience, women who are extreme feminists or even man-haters who are raising boys end up raising weak, ball-less men.  I'm not saying this in a degrading way; on the contrary, I believe that they unwittingly raise their boys to think that women want men to be more like women.  

    These men grow up to become backbone-less, indecisive, women-lovers.  Most women think in their minds that they want a kind, sensitive, loving, sweet, man who is more like a woman than a man but find that once they're with those men that they can't stand them.  These men can't make decisions, they come and go to their girlfriend/wife's ever beck and call, and are just generally very insecure with themselves.  They've been taught that doing anything that is inherently "manly" is wrong, and come away with a confused identity.

    It's very important that these women with baby boys understand that while it's okay to be a feminist and to raise your child like that, they need to teach their men to be men so they don't turn into gender-confused little boys for the rest of their lives.  They need to show them that men can be men and still treat women with respect while being strong, assertive, and independent.

    Good luck , and I hope your friend does it the right way!

  6. For those of you that pour empathy to a woman that would raise a child and in this case a child to hate themselves.

    I wonder. I really do.

    Whatever way she has come to be this way - I dont give a feck.

    If she persists - she will harm that child, in so many ways.

    She is an adult. She is responsible and has a duty to care (love?!) and bring up that child to be healthy (yea ... thats possible when u teach your child those things) and able to look after themselves (as in not requiring therapy first, before that becomes a real possiblity). Therefore she will harm, she will be responsible, and since she will be the one making a victim of someone who is truely defensless (unlike her in her relationships, vulnerable maybe but not defenseless) she is 100% responsible and will be due no quarter or empathy in my book.

  7. I think this has happened in the cases of some extreme feminists in the 70's. I have no idea how, though.

  8. Since I don't know any men-haters it's difficult to answer this.

    Your neighbour sounds like she has been hurt by men in the past. I doubt that she hates men - as a group. But since she has been hurt probably has difficulty with the idea of ever trusting a man with her feelings again.

    It's similar to how the western world feels about Muslims or Arabs in general. It's difficult not to lump them into one group and generalise.

    Your neighbour lady is not perfect and is only talking from her own experiences. It's understandable. I've heard well-meaning men, who have been taken advantage by women speak in a similar way about women.

    It's a form of protection.

    In light of that, she's probably raising her son to be the kind of boy/man that she wishes there were more of. Probably teaching him to be trustworthy, honest and to understand women. She's probably doing a good job.

    She's probably only been involved with scumbags... and may even have been abused in the past.

  9. Well she will end up teaching her son to hate women, and not just certain women, all women! Because this woman is not likely to allow him to forget that he is male and remind him of what males have done. He will see that she is displaying the same bad energy she claims men have and continue to display and she will sour him on the entire idea.

  10. She probably doesn't see her child in the same way as she sees other males, so she won't necessarily try to hurt him. She may love him, but I don't think it's healthy to raise a child to hate any group of people, and it'd be even more damaging to be raised to hate who you are. She could end up turning him against women. It sounds like she may have some unresolved issues in her life, and it'd be a good idea for her to sort them out before attempting to raise a child of either gender.

  11. I agree with Bonzai Betty, if all that young boy is hearing is how bad men are and what their faults are, then he will grow to be like that. But it also begs the question of 'if she hates men that much, why did she sleep with one?'

  12. She will mould him into the sort of male she thinks he should be. He will probably end up feeling guilty for being a man. To be honest, I would have concerns for a more normal woman bringing up a boy on her own. This is compounded by the fact that Primary schools are nearly all female staff.

    I once attended a parents evening where I spoke to my sons geography teacher regarding his progress. She was a feminist, and seemed to be more concerned about the fact that her own son was academically brighter than her daughter. I moved my son out of her class. I don't think children should be exposed to that sort of bias/vindictiveness.

    Your neighbour has obviously used some man to get herself pregnant. She is the typical female zealot, driven by hate. The same sort you find in the Government (Harman).

    Why don't they realise that it is they that have the problem, not men, or the rest of society.

  13. I have never actually considered such an issue.

    I can only say that the love you have for your child SHOULD outweigh any opinion or belief you may hold, regardless of your conviction.

    She can't always have held such a strong stance as she wouldn't have become pregnant in the first place.

    I just hope her vocal loathing doesn't result in self esteem issues for her son as he grows up.

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