
Women joining the navy?

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Im 18 and fresh out of high school, I want more out of life and for awhile now I've been thinking about joining the Navy. Im just not sure how a women would do. I know, I mean theres alot to think about as you know, I want to join for self respect, so I can prove to everyone but more important to myself that I can do it and stick through it, I always take the easy way out of thing and maybe if I joined Im sure I'd learn to stick it out the right way, and I like the overall aspect of the navy. I just want as much information, good and bad from real people not websites, real advice, good and bad, especially how women fit in. I know women are more accepted now then ever but I want to know if thats true in the military as well.




  1. The Navy is Great for travel and adventure. All the branches have the same pay scale and benefits.

    If you have a boyfriend, then the Navy is NOT a good idea at all. If you are single and dont mind moving around alot and constantly being on a ship the Navy will work out just fine.

    6-9 month deployments plus before you even go on deployments you go back and forth out to sea for a "Warm-up". Out 4 weeks in 1 week, out 2 months in 3 weeks,etc.

    With the Navy, you will be limited as a woman. You wont be allowed on Subs.

    The U.S Coast Guard is the only branch that lets women do everything us guys do. The C.G even lets you take up to a year or two off if you have a baby(Just Un-paid).

    Women are accepted, but Everyone has to earn their way in the Military. When you first get little to no respect. After awhile you earn quite alot.

    But remember you'll always have a boss, no matter what.

    Hope I answered your question.

    Also consider the Air Force, they are always looking for smart people, and lets be honest, women are ALWAYS smarter than guys when it comes to Books.

    Good luck!

  2. I spent 24 years in the Navy and respect is earned based on your performance and leadership - both of which you will have an opportunity to fine-tune in the Navy. I loved it and was treated with respect. As in any job - there will be an assignment you don't like or people you have conflicts with, but always remember that changes when people transfer from duty assignment to duty assignment. And, each job and experience is what you make of it - the military (Navy) is an Equal Opportunity and Ethical-based organization- college, travel, building self esteem and doing a job you love - the key to a great career. I was a joounrlaist (now called MC - mass communication specialist). GOOD LUCK!

  3. You won't be limited at all. We are only not allowed on subs for obvious and not so obvious reasons.

    As for jobs, you can do any job in the Navy. If you want something a little more female-friendly, brainy jobs are the way to go. If it sounds like it would be female dominated, it probably is.

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