
Women only, please I need your help?

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I'm a 17 year old guy and I play on the school soccer team. for some reason my mom is forcing me to wear a jockstrap and cup when i play. i have told her that i dont need/ want to wear one but she wont let me play if i dont, its not like she does this about anything other protective gear like shin guards, she doesnt care about those, its just about a jocktrap and cup, what is her deal>?




  1. If you want to keep your nuts, I think you should wear a cup. :/

  2. Why would you go without one?!?!

  3. shes protecting the family jewels for grand babies and least she is tring to protect you alot of parents dont give a sh$t

  4. she probly wants you to be able to reproduce in 10

    but seriously wear it if it makes her feel ok about you playing...its like a helmet, for your balls!

    i think its cute when i guy does things that make his mom happy.  

  5. your mum obviously wants to be a grandma.Speak to your coach see what he thinks about the situation & if he feels that you should wear one.We you cop a hit to the groin you may just be thanking your mum

  6. i think you should.. I have heard of guys getting kicked in the nuts and then losing their opportunity to have children.  It may seem usless now, but down the line you are gonna need those little swimmers, so keeep them safe!

  7. well for one if u get hit in your balls it'll hurt. second if you get hit it'll be hard to get kids. and as a mother I bet she wants grand kids. And don't you want to satisfy your women??

  8. You should probably be doing your best to protect yourself down there.  Have you ever been kicked/punched/etc. in that area? I'm guessing not.  Wear your cup.  Your mom doesn't want you to deal with icing your gear for a week and whining about it, or not being able to give her grandkids.

  9. at 17 youre old enough to make your own decisions about protective gear...but id think  a cup would be one you would choose to will be after you get one good shot to the nads.

  10. Cause without those, you could hurt yourself while playing. If you get kicked too hard in the testicles, you could become sterile and loose your chance to become a father, and her a grandmother. Plus, it would hurt like a *****, lol. Just wear one, you'll be thankful when you get kicked in the balls with those cleats.

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