
Women only! DO you make sure your husband/boyfriend wears?

by  |  earlier

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a jockstrap and cup when he plays sports, assuming you havent had children yet




  1. hubby always wore his boxers and a pair of loose shorts(like the basketball shorts) everytime he played any sports but then again he only played them with buddies of his...never on a team or anything. Even before we had our 2 daughters and the baby I'm pregnant with now he wore a regular pair of boxers and shorts,and well like I said we have 2 daughters and another baby on the way.

  2. Never. Its his body. He's played sports for ages and knows to take care of himself. He's military, so I was worried about the anthrax shot. There's only so much I can control and trying to force choices on him isn't in the best interests of my marriage. It would just make him mad.

  3. No because he is an adult and can take care of himself.

  4. geezzzzz it kills me to see people like you omg should he wear a jock? omg just get over yourself already

  5. uhh no

  6. My husband played baseball for over 10 years, always wore a cup...and I'm glad! Not only can injury cause trouble having kids, but with function as well. I like my man being fully functioning, and fertile lol. Glad he wore a cup!

    *This was prior to us getting together, so I had no say in it...he just made the choice on his own. If he was in sports now, I wouldn't have to ask him to wear one, he'd have the sense and experience to know to do so himself. Too many of his friends had "accidents" where they wished they had one on lol.

  7. No, it never even would have occurred to me.

    I'd probably be offended if he tried to dictate what kind of sports bra I wear, so I certainly wouldn't try to boss him into wearing a cup if he didn't want to do it.

    (Note - we have children, but I was answering from the perspective of before we had kids.)

  8. I don't/wouldn't/couldn't make my husband do anything. He is his own person, with his own choices. However, he is not stupid and always wears the correct sporting equipment and protection when he plays.

    However, he only plays golf at the time. :)

  9. never even thought about that.

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