
Women only HELP urgent?

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I am going swimming with my friend in a couple minutes and I noticed a little tiny spotting in my undies, it's barely anything, but it's super super light, I don't even see anything on toilet paper. I'm guessing this means I'm going to have my period tomorrow. I'm irregular and I get my period every couple/few months. It's like just a tint of red. I have used tampons before, I usually use them only on my period. It's not a flow to use a tampon, but I don't want to get anything in the pool. I don't want to use a tampon dry,




  1. be safee where a tampon when you swimming you dont want any embarrassing moment of leaking,and then youll be all like oh man i new i shouldve.

  2. Use the tampon, you will feel more secure that you aren't going to be humiliated.  

  3. while you're in the water your flow usually it stopped but you might want to get an ultra slim tampon just in case.

  4. use a "light" flow tampon, just to be safe. you will be fine. just be sure to remove it as soon as you are done in the pool, then put a panty liner in.

  5. That's your only 2 choices I can see.  

  6. Get some of the smallest tampons available.  

  7. I wouldn't want to either. I don't think youre going to just start flowing all over the place and into the water if your just lightly spotting. Just go every half hour or so to the restroom and check, and keep a tampon in your bag just in case you do start!

  8. I'd say just bring a tampon just incase and watch it really carefully.

  9. just bleed in the swimsuit and wash it out later, it'll come out (trust me I do it all the time)

    Answer mine;...

  10. If you really want to get in the pool use a tampon!!!!

  11. you have your period right now when you see even a little blood your period has started and please wear a tampon because its a public pool and its gross when people with there period swim without anything.  you can infect the pool with germs.

  12. don't worry about it b/c your period flow will not bleed in the pool. especially since your saying its very light. yes and definitely don't use a tampon dry you can hurt yourself real bad.

  13. Use a Junior tampon or just go swimming the water will wash away everything so you probably won't see/feel anything or you can just not go swimming.....If it was me I would use a tampon your never "dry" inside....

  14. bring a tampon with you and when you get to the pool, just walk around for about 10 minutes (casual talking, etc so you wont look suspicious) and then go to the bathroom and see if you're still spotting.

    if you're not then go and enjoy the pool, if you are then tell your friend, and maybe the two of you can just spend the afternoon tanning :) good luck!

  15. nothing is gonna go in the pool it polly good that you're doing that goin swimin ppl won't notice trust

  16. if noting is really there then i would say don't sweat it for some reason your period doesn't leak  out if your in the water but i would bring  a few pads and a pair of shorts just in case you do get it then when you get out go to the bathroom dry off slip a pad on your bathing suit and then put a pair of shorts on if its heavy every so often change your pad and take if off if you go back in the pool

    good luck =]

  17. eww

    i shouldnt of ignored the women only part

    if u really want 2 go swimming

    i suggest you stick it in there

    u'll save urself the embarrassment  

  18. Try the pool first. Check yourself every 15-30 minutes. Go to the bathroom and see if anything is left on the toilet paper if you do see something then use a tampon. Using a tampon dry wont hurt. Good Luck.

  19. Use a menstrual cup instead of a tampon (brands include Mooncup and Divacup.) They don't dry up your natural vaginal fluids like a tampon does, there's no harmful chemicals in them unlike tampons and when you insert them they form a natural seal so they stay put inside your body and there's no leakage issues to worry about - so you can use them in the pool! You can keep it in for up to 12 hours and it's reusable, environmentally sound and you can use it even when your flow is light.

  20. I say use the light day tampons. You shouldn't worry about it. I'm sure it won't bleed through wear a dark swimsuit

  21. There is no problem going swimming. You may have your period tomorrow but the small amount of blood that you see in your panties isn't going to cause any problems in the pool.  

  22. Anything could happen!

    use it.&when your in the pool,you won't even think about it!

    don't you wanna have fun?

    have fun!=]

  23. Use a pad? Are you serious? gimme a break. Just use a tampon, that's your only choice, even if it will be dry. It's better safe than sorry.


  24. I just read all about it.

    Always use a pad when you can.

    Always use the smallest tampon that will get the job done.

    Never use a tampon is you do not have a lot of flow.

    It leaves fibers, and can cause ulcerations.

    In this case, use a tiny pad if the flow picks up, use a small tampon.

  25. wear a light absorbency tampon and don't wear it for more than 2 hours..... if you take it out, and there is nothing on it, then you don't have to wear one anymore....

  26. u need to use the slim tampoons for light flow.  if not, as long as you're swimming in water, it should be ok, unless you start to flow really heavy.

  27. you are going to have to use a tampon (light one) otherwise you can't go swimming

  28. me too like you but i should put a tampon so try it and you will feel safty i hope to you a good day and a good swimming

  29. i have swimming lessons and my period always stops once i get into the water, and it starts again when i come out. i have a heavy flow and since your light, if you stay in the water most of the time you should be fine

  30. just bring one in case don't put it in right now but bring one and be careful go to the bath room and check if u think it might start flowing

    good luck  

  31. just use a tampon anyway

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