
Women only: How exactly do you feel THE BIG O??

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Okay. I had my first o****m a week ago but I heard that o****m feels differently with diff women i want to know if its true or if what happened to me is really o****m. so i want to hear how others feel it.

Mine is like seconds before coming I would feel this hot sensation down there then there's this 2-3 seconds of bursting feeling then after that i would feel calm but there's this electric jolt on my entire legs.




  1. The same, and I shake all over!

  2. Same here

  3. yep same here.

  4. I feel hot, my heart races and then i twitch and shake like crazy.

    If it's a really good one, my left foot cramps up. I don't know why its always the left. But it is.

    Don't worry for ages i wasn't sure if what i was experience was even the real thing. Because it seemed like a disappointment as opposed to how i expected it to feel.

    But i have learnt to just embrace the feeling of it and it's much more enjoyable.

  5. me2

  6. Same as mine,but, when pregnant i've noticed they last forever, and are great, but, generally mine feel the same as yours.

  7. It probably is different for every woman...some women don't get them at all.

    I heard from a friend that the male o****m is far more...err...enjoyable than that of a female, but I don't know if that's true. Hmm, maybe I should just post that in a new question....

  8. For me it feels like an itch you can't scratch a few seconds before and then it's the same as what you said. It just lasts around twenty seconds for me though.

  9. Mine depends on if it is vaginal, clitoral, or both at the same time. Also, it depends on whether it's with someone or like, you know self-serve, lol.

    There's different levels of intensity, and definitely different "symptoms" for me, hehe. I mean, I have quick fluttery ones and I have BIG BANG ones, and I have ones that are like full body when I feel like I AM my o****m, lol. I have to go thank my husband, hehe, ttyl! XD

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