
Women only! If you where out in a club and seen a guy wearing a skirt would you ask him out?

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Women if you where out in a club and seen a decent looking guy out with his buddy's. Would you go up to him and ask him out? or would you be too repulsed by him. This guy looks like a guy that is wearing a skirt not a guy trying to look like a women!




  1. Not a problem, he may have a great sense of humor, or it might be a kilt.

    If he doesn't have a problem with me wearing pants, I don't have a problem with him wearing a skirt...thank you

  2. i would!!!i like someone that goes against taboos and social whatever its called.

  3. ummm, most likely not. the fact that hes wearing a skirt means that he could have some psychological issues, and you might catch him one day going through your makeup box and wearing your bra.

    although it depends on the skirt, i suppose:

    paisley + floral: HELLL no.

    black and plain: might just be dicking around with his mates, but id still be hesitant.

  4. Maybe he is scottish!

  5. It depends, was it a man skirt? Remember David Beckham in his sarong? He looked hot!!! Depends on the overall look, but as long as he wasnt dressed as a woman it wouldnt bother me. i like my men a bit different. In honesty, Id prefer a skirt to a boring shirt.

  6. nah cause i would thought he was g*y or something... and skirts in a man its not really my type, call me old fashion but i prefer some jeans in a man! sorry.. hahah

  7. well confidence and sense of humor are important so why not?

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