
Women only! do you think that men should have to abide by the same dress code in the work place?

by  |  earlier

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to be more spaciffic i am trying to find out how women only feel about this. as most people can see from my posts i am a guy that likes to wear skirts (no big deal there). i have went to a lot of web sites for men in skirts. in one of them there was a post by a female where she said that she felt that the dress code for men and women in an office setting should be the same.if it says women have to look a certain way then so should the men. ie if they have to wear a suit with a skirt, she feels so should the man. i would like some other ladies toughts on that. i am all about eqality in the work place. not for the favt that i wear skirts now but for the fact of equlity i couldn't agree more, about her dress code issue.




  1. yes

  2. Yes.

  3. A "dress code" is put into place so customers will feel more comfortable around you, and so will other workers. While I personally don't have a problem seeing guys in skirts (as long as they have the legs to pull it off) some people will still be very freaked out about that. That would lead to people being uncomfortable in the workplace and customers and clients losing respect for the company.

    Unfortunately, that's just the way it is.

  4. I'd go for it.

  5. I think your employer has the right to make their own rules for work.  They have a product to sell and its employees have to support the corporate image.  However, outside of the workplace it is your own business.

    I encourage all young men to wear skirts and dresses.  We count on our young people to challenge social convention and expand our tolerances for new ideas.  Women were not allowed to wear pants until after WWII.  They had to fight for their right to wear pants, and it will be the same story for men who want to wear skirts.

    They used to say that women who wore pants were trying to act like men.  When men wear skirts them people will suspect that they are g*y.  Yes, I know its upsetting, but that the price you have to pay.  

    If I was a guy I would do it.  I think it would be so much fun.  I bet if you go in public wearing a skirt then you will receive more positive responses that negative ones.  It would give you a forum for speaking your mind about challenging social conventions and expanding the range of clothes that men can wear.

    You have my full support.

  6. wow, your spelling needs work.

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