
Women only please? I was wondering...?

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Is it possible to get a yeast infection when you are young? I know it's gross, but I think I have one (I've had it for a while, thinking it was just a rash and would go away...) I think I've had them on/off for at least a year, and they are very painful. Is there anything I can do at home or should I just call my doctor?




  1. Don't know how old you are, but it can happen when you are young. But I really would go to my doctor if I were you. That would be best.  You never know if it could be something else but probably can be taken care of very easily. Don't be embarrassed, doctors see and take care of things like that and more all the time. To them it's just like looking in your throat to check your tonsils. Once you've seen your doctor, no more worries. Good luck! :)

  2. yes it is. i am pretty sure that no matter your age you can get a yeast infection.

  3. yeast infection is not a rash. and yes. call your doctor!

  4. there are several medications that are over-the-counter and available at your local grocery store or drug store. however, if it's a serious issue and the medications don't work, i would suggest going to a doctor to make sure that: #1 it is indeed a yeast infection and #2 to get professional medical care for it.

  5. go to the store and buy monistat..and use it as directed..if it doesnt go away in a week go to the doc...

  6. yeah, ive had a friend whos had it, shes pretty young, as in 15/16 young. go to yer doctor, theyll jrobably give you midcation to put on. if it is yeast. ask yer doctor

  7. Go to the doctor! You DO NOT want to risk it being something worse.

    I, knock on wood, have never had one, but I think it's possible to get one at literally any age. (Even guys can!)

    Don't be embarrased; it's an honest concern,

  8. There are over the counter yeast infection kits that you can get at your local drug store.  But I would still make an appointment just in case it could be something else.

  9. CALL YOUR DOCTOR ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, it is possible to get a yeast infection at a very young age.

    Yeast Infection:

    Symptoms: itching, burning, soreness, pain during intercourse and/or urination, and vaginal discharge that is typically cheesy white in color.

    Diagnosis: Identification of the yeast under a microscope from a specimen scraped from the vaginal area. A yeast vaginal infection that is causing symptoms is treated with topical medications applied in and around the v****a and with medications taken by mouth.

  10. Yup it's possible.  You could be wiping the wrong way after you go number 2... gross, sorry I know.

    I'd call the doctor if I were you.  If it's your first time with a yeast infection usually your doctor will run a test to find out.  Then they know for sure they are treating the right problem and then you can identify the problem yourself in the future.

    I can't imagine how much pain your in... hurry hurry to the doctor!

  11. yes, you can get one, especially if you eat tons of sugar or have allergies. i would say call your doctor, and eat healthy food.

  12. if you cant go to the doctor use monistat if that doesnt work then go to ur docter

  13. Find the ebooks which claims to cure yeast infection within 12 hours(Cure Your Yeast Infection In Only 12 Hours ) in women health section at following website--

  14. i got them like all the time when i was 12 years old, and even younger! lol its fine, use the reccemended meds and eat healthy foods

  15. well they have certain creams that you can treat your yeast infection with at your local pharmacy. but if that doesnt help just go see the doctor and he'll prescribe you something and it should go away

    good luck =]

    also yeast infections shouldnt really be painful just miserable so it could be something else thats wrong with you so i would just check in with your doctor just in case

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