
Women own up have you ever broken the heart of a younger man, turning him down because of his age?

by  |  earlier

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What was the concern is it social, what society will think?

Or are we more liberal about such things now?




  1. Yes I admit it, when I was 13 I turned down and boy because he was 13 because I was worried my friends would make fun of me, although I didnt' fancy him much anyway.

  2. how do you think about the age between woman and man ? can you accpt a young man marry an old woman ? After reading this, I recommended a celeb dating site cougarkiss.C O M maybe you can find a different feeling

  3. I do.

    I will be 34 in August , but for the past few years guys younger then 25 have been interested in me. Its flattering, but i usually date men my age. Although some of those young one are real hotties!

  4. I never dated younger men before so I haven't. I have denied older men but I wouldn't say I've broken their hearts.

  5. i turned down two 20 year old women a few years ago, some are going to thank , WTF is wrong with you dumb assss, but hey i just didn't relate to them being 20 years older. plus i had a crush on a women 1 year younger then me and lol she wants nothing to do with me go figure hu. o well nothing seems to be going good for me in this area.

  6. I remember finishing with a woman because she was pushing 30 and that seemed old to me at the time, i was around 17 or 18 and we had been seeing each other for 3 years. she had started showing her age and girls my own age started to seem more interesting. i remember her tears on the street that night. we were public, the age thing never seemed to bother her. even when i was 15 or 16.

    I was a **** to her i suppose, she was very generous, i was just playing with her.

  7. d**n, I wonder what the poorboy must be feeliing right now. He's probably psycologically damaged,  in refrence to making new relationships with women, and the pressures of trying to be more mature.

  8. Yes but the concern wasn't what society would think the concern was that we were just in financially different places.  He wanted to be where I was and I had a son to raise and so couldn't afford to carry him until he grew up and got a real job.  God he was cute though! mmmmmm.....nice memory.

  9. Yes, I have.  I have a 24 year old neighbor that has been infatuated with me for a few years now.  I rejected him previously because I was married, but now that i am single, I still turn him down because I prefer older men. I have no feeling of societal pressure though.....  do they really care  who I have s*x with?

  10. Did that THREE times this week!

    It's getting annoying...

  11. I've never broken the heart of a younger man because of his age, but I have broken the heart of an older man mainly because of his age. We were close friends and he was about 18 years old than myself. Yes, I was worried about what other people would think, but there were other reasons as well.

  12. I likes 'em young and malleable..

    Seriously though, their personality would be the deciding factor, be they younger or older.

  13. Does getting asked out over the internet count?

    if so then yes..I have turned down guys younger than me.

    I always though it was cute when like an 18 yr old that i turned down would be like " but im a man!"

    So cute.

    oh wait..I did get asked out by a 15 yr old once...

    when i was uhm yeah...i wasnt even gonna go near that one! That actually happened in real life..I was riding my bike and this kid stops me and talks to me and asks me out...I ask how old he is...he is 15...I tell him no because i am 22..and then i rode away.

  14. Yes I did, several times.  I didn't think they were mature enough to be of any interest to me.

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