
Women police officers!!!

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i am starting to become a police officer and i want this decision to be the right one for the rest of my life!! i was wonder for women police officers..when i am a officer and i want to start to have kids what will happen to me? will they fire me or cut me off till i have my kid!? do i keep my job and do i still get paid for my leave for pregnacy?? please help!!




  1. CarlisleGirl's answer is right on.....Once you get "bigger" (or perhaps before) your department will take you off the street and put you on light duty.  One of our women was actually promoted to detective during her pregnancy.  

    Even if they are not happy about it, they can't do anything because it would be a form of discrimination.

  2. You will not be disciplined for becoming pregnant.  In my department our female officers are given administrative duty when they are in the late stages of pregnancy or when their physical performance is effected by the pregnancy.  Good luck!

  3. have u a record??? a criminal one i mean... cos they could fire u on an indescrepincy...... :(  

  4. It depends of your physical state and what department you work for. Maternity leave is usually stated in your contract of employment so you should check that. If not you should just pop into a solicitors and ask them quickly.

    They will most likely transfer you to do another job such as office work or call center. I doubt that they would send a pregnant women on patrol.

  5. It is illegal for a department to fire you for being pregnant.    If you work for an unethical department (look for high rates of turnover, public dislike) then you could be fired for other reasons to cover up their desire to fire you for becoming pregnant.  

    However, in a reputable department, you will be transferred to light duty in the final trimester of pregnancy or before if you request it.    Or, you might be transferred to traffic enforcement or parking enforcement.       You are entitled to time off under the Family Leave Act--up to 12 weeks.   The time can be taken before or after the birth.

    Being a police officer is a huge committment.    There are other careers in law enforcement that are much more conducive to family life.     Crime does not recognize t-ball games, birthdays, halloween, christmas morning, school plays, field trips, etc.     There are many things that you will have to sacrifice if you choose law enforcement.       You have to decide if you are willing to make those sacrifices.      Probation Officers, Laboratory Analyst, Investigator for Prosecuting Attorney's Office, are all  good law enforcement choices.     There are also several civilian careers available.

    I work in law enforcment (not a police officer) and I can attest from knowing plenty of police officers that the stress can take its toll on marriages and relationships with children.     There are so many things that you miss.     There is also a chance of retaliation against your children.  

    Weigh your options.     You could work in law enforcement until you have children and change careers at that point.    

  6. In a professionally run PD, you will be fine.  Discrimination against you for becoming pregnant would be illegal.  Your husband can get paternity leave from his job, too.  Read up on the Family Leave act.  (This is a USA answer.)

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