
Women - voting for McCain/Palin?

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If some black voters are voting for the Obama/Biden ticket because Obama is black, won't some women vote for McCain/Palin because Palin is a woman?




  1. i definitely am not.

    I'm choosing the lesser of two evils even if biden is a jackass

  2. yes

  3. I am voting for McCain/Palin regardless of the fact that she is a female.  If Palin was a guy and with all the same beliefs and views i would vote for the male version too

  4. anyone that would use such superficial reasons to vote for someone or not, isn't very intelligent and likely needs to stop voting or stop voting for people for silly reasons -- a person is not fit just because they are a woman or just because they are white, black, or bi-racial.

  5. I would have never voted for Hilary, she's a sh*t sandwich. I was always going to vote for McCain and now i get to vote for a woman too.

  6. yes, blacks vote for blacks, women vote for women,

    but those people who vote based on looks, make the vote wasted because it does not evaluate the candidates on their itelligence, brain function, and things other then looks that you admire in their work history.

  7. to all liberals and dems that say shes some research and you will see she has way more experience than your precious 140 day senator obama.....and she a lifetime member of the NRA....Wake up people and put the koolaide down.

  8. I would love to see a woman vp and pres but not just any woman.  I've actually supported Obama all along.  I was sure McCain would chose a woman vp, but shocked he has so little regard for this country that he would chose such a right wing, inexperienced woman just for the value of all the attention and 'buzz' she would generate.  

    The more I have read about her the scarier she is.. supports ban on g*y marriage, would like to see creationism taught alongside of evolution, totally against abortion, even in rape cases.

    She is cute and young (well, compared to McCain) but she has the confidence of someone who 'just knows' she is right without regard to any real facts, understanding of others.   Much like GW knowing in his gut that saddam had wmd.... That kind of certainty seems to play well with the masses, though.  I far prefer people who don't know it all but will listen to others who might know something.

    So I don't think, at least I hope, most independent women won't fall for the ploy.    

  9. You're racist.

    and you're a feminist.

  10. Highly unlikely, research has shown that woman are less likely to vote for the woman than men.  There have been many feminists that complain about woman causing their own glass window when it comes to this because for a woman to run they need to be strong and when they are strong they are looked at a ***** and when they show emotion they are said to be too weak to run the country.  Woman are the worst critics of other woman.

  11. No dude. I'm sticking with Obama.

  12. McCain Palin

  13. How about black voters voting for Obama

    because McCain voted against MLK day, supported an Ariz. governor that abolished MLK day in his state and votes against Affirmative Action

    Oh but Obama is black, that is why Alan Keys has gotten so many votes the last 2 times he ran, right

    Palin is going to have to prove herself

    and women are going to have to decide for themselves

    Palin should not be seen as a sub for Hillary, because their positions on issues are widely different

  14. It's insulting to women. Black voters aren't voting for obama just because he is black...

    I know that being president of U.S. is on McCains "bucket list", but when he "hits the bucket" america will be left with Sarah Palin, who is completely unqualified...

  15. i wont vote for mccain especially now that he has choosen her because if he was to die or something she would NOT be ready to be a president. i think Hillary was the right choose for the first female cuz she HAD experience. Personally I don't trust Obama and i know nothing about Biden so i can't say much about him. But honestly ppl don't just vote for McCain cuz you want a female up there cuz think about it, if something happend to McCain do you HONESTLY think this chick would be able to handle running our country??? she just doesnt seem like a strong enough person mentally to handle something like that.. but thats just my opinion. i know we all have different opinions so don't attack me for mine and i wont attack you for yours i respect what everyone thinks so have that same respect for me please and thank you :D

  16. I am a woman who decided to vote for McCain a long time ago.  Palin is just the home run hit by McCain.

  17. "Black voters aren't voting for obama just because he is black..."


    Then why did Obama get 92% of the black vote when he was battling Hillary when they have, according to liberals, "almost identical platforms"?

    "WASHINGTON (AP) — Black conservative talk show host Armstrong Williams has never voted for a Democrat for president. That could change this year with Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's nominee.

    "I don't necessarily like his policies; I don't like much that he advocates, but for the first time in my life, history thrusts me to really seriously think about it," Williams said. "I can honestly say I have no idea who I'm going to pull that lever for in November. And to me, that's incredible."

    "Among black conservatives," Williams said, "they tell me privately, it would be very hard to vote against him in November."

  18. Only the stupid ones.  

  19. as a multi-racial male of partial african american decent i dont agree with either tactic. color or gender doesnt determine the type of person that a person will be or how good of a candidate they will be

  20. of course. obama will get 98% of the black vote, and mcCain will get 70% of the white vote, plus all the votes from the people who wanted a women in there.

  21. No... Gender has nothing to do with. If people are voting only because of gender they are idiots.

  22. im voting for mccain/palin.....obama wants to raise taxes to pay for healthcare...he also supports open boarders...are we supposed to pay for healthcare for new illegal immigrants that come into our country?

  23. I won't. I'm a democrat and gender/race doesn't really matter much to me when it comes to politics.

  24. Yes they will and the democrats know they're screwed.

  25. It is irresponsible to vote for someone simply for their race or gender. For Hillary supporters, what do you think of this video clip?

  26. No Way!!  Woman or not, she still doesn't get my vote. She doesn't know anything about the war in Iraq, she financially ruined the city she was mayor of,  and is way too conservative.  

  27. They should vote for McCain if they think a woman should NOT have the "right to choose"!

    McCain "believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned."

    McCain believes a woman does NOT have the right to decide whether to have an abortion!

    Vote Republican if you believe that a woman should NOT be permitted to make her own decision about whether to have a baby!


  28. palin is awful,if you want to talk about experience,she has no foreign policy experience WHATSOEVER!  

  29. She ski's and probably has a nice selection of shoes.

  30. im a woman & change for a woman is liberal democrat!  Palin is conservative. Big difference.

  31. Probably... but hopefully they see how he only chose her to get votes... How many times has he spoken about her during this campaign???  

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