
Women what car repairs have you perform yourself?

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My point ok I was reading some answers from the question about male chores. An some put that they do some car reapirs an other things. Just want to know what was it putting coolant in the car? or maybe rebuilding the heads?




  1. Change the air filter, and add coolant,oil, brake fluid.

  2. Adding/checking fluids, oil change, tune up, change wipers, fuses.

    Helped with much more.

    The funny thing is sometime just the norm, checking oil etc, if I'm doing it away from home males will crawl out of the woodwork to check what I'm doing. Just checking oil.

  3. Add transmission fluid and oil, change the air filter, check those things on a regular basis; including the tires; you don't you're zonked; plus it saves on money on repairs.  However, I never changed a tire. Include add my own gas.

  4. A little touch up paint. Replaced my tire.

  5. Just some basic things that can be done by anyone with a little knowledge on cars.

    I did some minor mechanic work in high school.

    Spark plugs, fuses, bulbs, transmission leaks, seals, hoses, belts,changing the oil and filter, rotating tires, gaskets, etc. Not too much but I did get my hands dirty and I still do if/when I get the chance.

  6. i have done a oil change and recharged the ac

  7. Just the basics - oil change, taking care of transmission fluid and oil, replacing air filters and belts, changing tires, that kind of thing.  Luckily my current car is very dependable so I don't have to do much.

  8. Oil change, changed spark plugs, air filter, windshield wiper blades, changed many tires, and other general maintenance. It isn't much fun, and for the big stuff I take it in - transmission, brakes.

  9. Well, one time the vanity mirror on my car's sunvisor fell out.

    And I put it back in. All by myself!!

    If it was anything more technical, I would call a mechanic. Or some other guy. I don't bother pretending to have skills that I simply lack. And I certainly don't have any ego invested in my ability to perform car repairs, for goodness sake!

    (Sceptical of a few of the above answers - bit of a cynic, I'm afraid!)

  10. Like that'll ever happen.  That's what mechanics are for.

  11. None--whats your point?

    My husband doesn't either. Not trying to sound "elitist," or anything, but most people in our social sphere hire people for those things.

  12. Zero.  I don't think changing the air filter, wiper blade, or tire count as "repairs".


  13. Its pretty kick A$$ to see all these women doing their own repairs.  Why let some jackass mechanic do a bad job when you can do it yourself.  When you get stranded and their is no mechanic around you will be glad you learned how to get that hunk of steel moving again.

  14. Let's see...

    Changing a tire

    Changing the oil

    Replacing a mirror

    Replacing light bulbs

    Adding windshield washing fluid

    Adding antifreeze

    Replacing one of the lifts on a hatchback

    Making repairs to car upholstery

    Fixing a door handle

    Installing a car stereo and speakers

    Fixing an armrest

    Replacing a driver's side seat

    Repairing a crack in a windshield

    Beyond that, I prefer leaving the work to professionals, who have the right equipment and can perform repairs in far less time than I can.

  15. I am taking my driving test next month and don't have a car. But I think it's sensible if you have an expensive piece of machinery that you rely on  to know how it works and maintainence.

    I put my motorbike together though and did the basic things like fitting the battery, oil and petrol etc. It's pretty simple really.

  16. Change seals on head gaskets, repair radiators, change hoses and fittings, sparkplugs, repair rust spots, change tyres, coolant, oil, etc.

    Oh reminds me, have to change wiper blades today before going to work.

  17. Replaced brake pads.  Cleaned spark plugs. Changed fuses and bulbs.  Switched out batteries.  Nothing major, but I got my hands dirty.    Why do you ask?

  18. More than I can count. My dad rebuilds cars for a living and taught me a lot of what he knows. My older brother wasn't interested, but I always was : )

  19. change the oil

    replace headlights

    replace thermostat

    change tires

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