
Women...when do you usually find out you are pregnant?

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Do you usually find out when you missed your period and take a test or do you just have a gut feeling your pregnant and take a test before your next period?




  1. Depends upon the person. Some people (especially those who are anxious to find out if they are pregnant or not) often check even before their period it due. Some people don't bother checking until they have symptoms (or don't check at all and find out by accident much later on). Some check once they miss their period. Some have a gut feeling and some are taken totally by surprise.

    With my first pregnancy, I was a few days late and had somewhat of a gut feeling (totally untrustworthy since I had this "gut feeling" before and wast not pregnant). I had just come back from a trip and my husband and I were about to make some major decisions about moving house and changing jobs so I thought it best to make sure if I was pregnant or not. I was! My daughter is now almost 4 years old.

    With my 2nd pregnancy, I was caught off guard. Two months went by without a period before I started becoming suspicious. One day I was exhausted and just could not make myself go to work. After laying in bed most of the morning and afternoon, I finally forced myself to get something for lunch after I started feeling nautious, I had a feeling right then and there that I might be pregnant (or unusually sick). Turned out I was already 8 weeks pregnant! My Son is due next month!

  2. I had a gut feeling and I took a pregnancy test 5-6 days before I thought I'd get my period. It was positive - very very faint but positive.

  3. I found out the day before my period was supposed to start!

    I had a sneaking feeling to take a test, even tho we weren't 'really' trying to get pregnant! (In other words i was off bc and if we got pregnant great, if not, better luck next month!)

  4. 7 weeks others usually tell me this too

  5. I found out when I missed my period.  It was a real shocker for us, since I was told I couldn't have any children.  I now have 2 beautiful children.

  6. with my 1st after I took the test...My 2nd I just knew I was pregnant..cause my b***s were already starting to hurt and I was already getting sick to my stomach before I took the test...

  7. i found out after i missed my period with my 2 little girls

  8. My periods are irregular and I was trying to start keeping track of them and that is when it happened. I found out I was pregnant on November 22, 2007. My son is now just about 4 weeks old. Time flew by soooo fast. Good Luck.

  9. Well I found out before my next period because my boyfriend and I were planning to get pregnant so I couldn't wait to take a test till my suppose period was suppose to show up, so I knew 2 weeks into being pregnant

  10. I took a test a week before my period when I found out I was pregnant.

    I was actually really shocked when I saw the positive results. The only reason I had taken it that night is because I was having a really moody, bad day and I wanted to drink a couple big glasses of wine so I figured I'd take a pregnancy test before just to be safe and good thing I did!  

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