
Women which of these insults do you find the most offensive, and men do you ever..?

by  |  earlier

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call women these names and why?

the B word that rhymes with itch.






  1. both are pretty bad...but the worst one is the word that rhymes with hunt and starts with a c.  UGH! Anyone ever called me that, and they'd earn a good hard slap to the face!


  2. It depends on the context.  If someone called me any one of those names at work I'd be extremely angry.  But in any other context it doesn't bother me.  Usually I just laugh.

  3. I am not offended by either term. First of all, I do not waste my time looking for things to be offended by. Secondly, I am not a w***e, so if someone called me that, it would just be silly. Thirdly, sometimes, I am a b****. So, if someone calls me that, oh well. It's kind of just pointing out the obvious.

  4. I don't like to call names.

  5. I do but only if they like it or as a term of endearment, for me to call someone any of those names in a serious way they would have to had crossed me, even then I probably wouldn't, let he who is without sin and all that.

  6. they are all very offensive and ways in whihc men keep wome down, they have even inbreed it in us women to call other women theese names and keeps them down.

  7. I have been called both many times and I don't care. Women who get offended by those words, in my opinion, are very sensitive and/or feminist. A lot of women do get offended by the "c word" and I understand that but I find it being equal to the "b word".

  8. I am unfamiliar with such common language.  The peasantry may use these terms, but I certainly do not.

  9. As I said *****. Under no circumstances, in jest, or anything should someone call me that. There is one cirumstance that being called a w***e is acceptable to me ;). **** I am so incredibly indifferent to. It means nothing!

  10. Well, I've never been called a w***e.  But, my best girlfriend calls me b**** all the time.  Many a time have I picked up the phone and, after saying hello, been greeted with, "B****, let me tell you what happened..."  It doesn't bother me if it's meant as a term of endearment.  Or if somebody says, you sure are acting like a b**** today, Monika.  Whatever.  Maybe I am being a b**** today.  

    But, noone has ever said, "You, w***e, da da da!"  Thems might be fighting words!!!!  LOL

    Wait, someone has called me a w***e before.  But, it wasn't offensive, it was funny.  I think I did something to make my best friend mad.

  11. I don't fine either offensive. Probably because I neither and also I think that anyone that users such vulgar and childish insults are just inferioir pathetic idiots who's parents didn't bring them up to be intelligent and well mannered, nothing more than a piece of dog muck on the end of my shoe.

  12. "w***e"

    because some random woman shouted it at me from outside a pub one time and it was horrible

  13. Why are you asking this question again?

    Again -

    The kind of person who calls people those names is not worth being offended by. It's like being offended by a cockroach, or some other slightly unpleasant but not hugely worrisome bug.

  14. I've never been called a w***e and only been called the other one a couple of times (at least to my face, who knows what goes on behind my back), but it was by someone I didn't like and didn't care what they thought of me, so I guess it didn't really matter.

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