
Women who beat their man do they do it out of a desire to improve the guy?

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If so should the man stay with them, as he will end up with brighter prospects?




  1. Yeah.. you now... like the old saying goes "doesn't beat = doesn't love"..  What? You are not serious are you?

  2. Perhaps that one of the excuses she uses...but I doubt thats the truth.

    No the man shouldn't stay with an abusive woman.

  3. That may be their warped view. A lot of abusers use the "it's for your own good" excuse.

    But no. No one should ever ever stay in an abusive relationship. unless your idea of improvements are injuries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, the association of fear and pain with love etc.  

  4. Spousal abuse is usually a control issue. It is not all right. And of course the man should not stay with them.

  5. There is no reason for physical abuse towards another whether you are male or female.

    NO!  He should not stay with them.  I'm sure there is emotional abuse, as you can't have physical abuse without it also.  He needs to get out of that relationship as quickly as possible.  


  7. Domestic violence is not funny.  

    Didn't you ask a question about why trolls troll?    

  8. Women who beat men are just as psychologically messed up as men who beat women.  These men should be helped and provided resources as abused women and children are.

  9. No it's all about control. All the research shows that as many men suffer domestic violence as do women yet there is virtually no support for them.

    If they do call the police they are seldom taken seriously, although the MET particularly is doing a lot to change that.

    No man should stay with an abusive partner, whether that abuse is psychical or mental.

    many women destroy their partners self esteem with continual criticism.

    It's never OK. If it's happening to you get out as fast as you can and don't look back.

  10. A woman can beat me as she pleases, but secular law affords me the luxury to defend my life (even if it means using lethal force if I feel my life is threatened), and a woman who beats me is likely a threat to my life.

  11. Control is the main thing just as in any abuse. the abuser tells her man that he is nothing without her and goes on and destroys what is left of his self esteem. most men will never hit a women so many women count on this. that is another reason. but most of all CONTROL that is the main thing in any abuse case.

    NO the man should  leave right away get to a safe place and get some help. now that may be a problem men don't have many places to go for help. and If they call the police they are the ones that go to jail. even if they are bleeding and half beaten the man will always be the first one the cops take in, sad when YOUR the victim you call for help and YOU go to jail. sad indeed.

    God Bless and Have a Good weekend everyone.

  12. I think people who beat others do it because they are violent. I don't see how violence can improve a relationship. Your question makes no sense.  

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