
Women who have 2 or more kids?

by Guest58987  |  earlier

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How much did/do you trust your instincts about wether you are pregnant or not...I think it is too early to test...I wasnt trying to get pregnant (have a 4 year old and a 5 month old) but I FEEL pregnant! (gulp) question is, after your 1st...did you just "know" with the others before you took a test...I guess I am trying to work out the odds of my "feeling" being right...




  1. My instincts were great with my first two, I knew without a doubt I was pregnant long before any test could confirm it, it wasn't like that with my last, she was a total but extremely welcomed surprise. (I didn't suspect with my last for 2 reasons, 1 I'd been told after my second was born that I'd never get pregnant again & 2 I had my period with her the first 3 months after conception.)  

  2. I knew 100% that I was pregnant this last time (this is my third child). Even after getting a negative result the first time I tested. I waited 3 days, tested again and got my faint confirmation. So, you could be!  

  3. lol.  I definitely knew before I even tested that I was pregnant with my son.  You get that feeling and its all over from there lol.  But don't freak out just yet wait and take a test first.  good luck to you.

  4. I have been pregnant 4 times, and with 3 of them, I knew before any test showed a positive result. It was just a feeling I had and also, I don't care what anyone says, for some women like me, I do actually start having symptoms VERY early- like right after conception! So, you could be but to be sure, I would just wait until it will show on a test. But in the mean time, take a prenatal vitamin and eat healthy. Don't forget to try and rest too (yea right!- you already have little ones!)

  5. I knew straight away as soon as i noticed the first sign,,mine was the ratty temper and crying for nothing.Each time was the same.

  6. Yup!! I had a 3 month old when I fell, and I just knew. I knew with both of them. It's best to do a test, and don't panic - a close gap is actually lovely :)

  7. My first pregnancy I was clue less and thought I just had flu and was maybe working too much because I was so tired.  My husband knew before I did. He noticed the changes taken place but I hadn't missed a period so I assumed he was wrong.  I was three months along before I knew

    The second time I knew right away.  I got a slight nauseated feeling one evening and I absolutely knew why.  I wasn't even late for my period yet but I recognized that the nausea feels different then nausea from the stomach flu.  I was only a couple weeks along this time.

    It was early enough that I did not have any other symptoms yet but I really did know.  it made for a long, long 9 months.

  8. I've got 4 and always knew, even with the first which was an accident, was on Depo injection and was in Egypt at the time so didn't do test til got home. I tested early and even after neg tests I still knew I was, partner never believed me, even the fourth one!!!! Congrats if you are.

  9. I think you just need to end your worrying and take a test. They have improved them so that they are effective very early on.

    I have been pregnant and didn't realize it. Also, I have not been pregnant and felt pregnant.

    If your baby is 5 months old, you may still be having hormonal adjustments. Worrying about it will only make you feel more pregnant. Go buy a test.

  10. ive gone with my instincts every time and each time i've been proved right mum of 3 just found out i'm pregnant with number 4 also feeling the same way about this is you! i'd say go with your instincts! good luck!  

  11. I am 11wks pg with my 3rd and had 3 negative tests but was convinced I was pg! Had tender b*****s, tiredness, wanted to eat all the time! I waited a few more days and got my positive!

    You know your own body and it usually tells us what's going on.

    All the best!

  12. i dont have any children but have been pregnant twice and lost it both times :(

    my periods due tomorrow and i feel pregnant

    i had s*x on the day i ovulated and ever sice iv had cramping, some days really bad, other days really lgiht. im hungry all the time, craving bacon and tomatoe sauce :D again!!

    so i think im pregnant and testing tomorrow :D

  13. Yeah, I pretty much just "know" when I am pregnant.  I guess this sense came with the second one.  I just knew before I took a test with every child except the first one.

    By the way, i was pregnant with #5 when #4 was only 6 months old.  It's really not that bad.  :  Scary, sure.  But doable.-)

    Good luck!

  14. Sometimes your mind can play tricks on you.  I can't tell you how many times I thought I was pregnant took a test and got my period the next day.  All I can say is that you could be and sounds like you are.  Wait and see if you miss your period.  Good luck with everything.  

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